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CH GIBSON's mother was Eliza CLARK bn 27 Dec 1840, she married Henry GIBSON in the parish church Shorne, Kent on 30 Oct 1877.
Her father was John CLARK bn 25 Dec 1809, he married Eliza SPEEDING in the parish church Frinsbury, Rochester, Kent on 30 Mar 1840.
Eliza SPEEDING was bn 13 Jul 1816 in Poplar, Middlesex.

Registration District, Strood.
Death in the Sub-district of Northfleet in the County of Kent.
No 111 | Ninteenth March 1891 Ridgeway Shorne Strood R.S.D.
Name, Eliza CLARK | Female | 75 yrs
Occupation, Widow of John CLARK Timber Dealer (Retired)
Cause of Death, Cancer of left breast, lung etc. Asthenia, Certified by J A BELL M.R.C.S.E
Description of Informant, Rebekah CLARK, Daughter, Present at Death, Ridgeway Shorne.
When Registered Twenty Fourth March 1891 | Registrar, Thomas F CASEY


Photocopied A4 sheet sent to Nick DELVES by Tony GIBSON in Dec 2000.
Tony GIBSON handwrote:- "Nick This is a copy of the note left by my father (JCG) in the family bible. The A3 sheet is a copy of the inner pages of the bible, as updated by him. TG Dec 2000"
1809 to 1890 MR JOHN CLARK. On January 24th, Mr John Clark of Shorne, Ridgeway, Rochester, passes to his rest. Shortly before his birth in 1809, his father was converted at an open-air service held at Cobham by Mr Osborn, father of Dr Osborn**.
From that day he suffered for his attachment to Methodism. Persecuted, turned out of his small farm, he was obliged to take a small cottage, which he at once had licensed for Methodist preaching.
Here John Clark was born in an atmosphere of self-denial for the Church's sake. His parents became very poor in consequence of persistent efforts used to prevent his father obtaining work in the neighbourhood. When seven years old he was expelled from the National school for being a little Methodist. Before he was twenty he was truly converted.
In 1836 when most of the members at Shorne had joined the Association movement, he bought the ground for the chapel, and afterwards he bought the chapel itself: and in 1882 he presented it, free of debt, to the Wesleyan conference.
His life was a constant testimony for God, and its influence must continue.
After his funeral sermon was preached there were many penitent seekers after Christ. So the great Head maintains his work.
(Notice in the Methodist Recorder, March 6th 1890.)
**A President of Wesleyan Conference.


Registration District, Strood.
Death in the Sub-district of Northfleet in the County of Kent.
No 288 | Twenty Fourth January 1890, Ridgeway Shorne Strood R.S.D.
Name, John CLARK | Male | 80 yrs
Occupation, Proprietor of Houses
Cause of Death, Influenza Epidemic?) Acute Bronchitis, Certified by J A BELL M.R.C.S.
Description of Informant, Emma SNOAD, Present at the Death, The Street, Cobham.
When Registered Twenty Eigth January 1890 | Registrar, Thomas F CASEY

Registration District, Lewisham
Death in the Sub-district of Lee in the County of Kent.
No 459
First June 1886, The Cottage, Lee Road, Lee
Name, James BOWLEY | Male | 84 yrs | Occupation, Gentleman
Cause of Death, Bronchitis 8 days, Certified by H C BURTON M.R.C.S.
Description of Informant, C W BOWLEY, Son, In attendence, 2, Hamilton Terr Hyde Vale, Greenwich.
When Registered, Fourth June 1886
Registrar, Alfred ?

Marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of Shorne in the County of Kent.
No 156 | When Married, 30th October 1877
Henry GIBSON | Of Full Age | Widower | Profession, Weslyan Minister.
Residence at time of Marriage, New Sleaford, Lincolnshire.
Fathers Name, Henry John Williams | Profession of Father, Gentleman.
Eliza Jane CLARK | Of Full Age | Spinster
Residence at time of Marriage, Shorne.
Fathers Name, John CLARK | Profession of Father, Gentleman.
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church, by Superintends? 'Registrar's Certificate', by me, William JOYNES - Vicar of Chalk.
In the Presence of us, John CLARK, Rebekah CLARK

RG 10 | Piece 897 | Ridgeway, Shorne, Kent.
John CLARK | Head | Married | 61 yrs | Occupation, Retired Wood Merchant | Born, Shorne, Kent.
Eliza CLARK | Wife | Married | 56 yrs | Occupation, Wife | Born, Poplar, Middlesex.
Eliza Jane CLARK | Daughter | Unmarried | 30 yrs | Occupation, No Occupation | Born, Shorne, Kent.
Avice CLARK | Daughter | Unmarried | 25 yrs | Occupation, No Occupation | Born, Shorne, Kent.
Rebekah CLARK | Daughter | Unmarried | 20 yrs | Occupation, No Occupation | Born, Shorne, Kent.

R.G. 10 | 928 | Page 13
Rockvilla, 57, London Rd., Tunbridge, Kent
[Pam Miles wrote this full address on the 1871 Census document she sent to Nick Delves Jan 2007]
James BOWLEY | Head | Married | 62 yrs | Occupation, Ship Owner (Retired) | Born, Hampshire.
Sarah BOWLEY | Wife | Married | 59 yrs | Born, Hampshire. [Actually born, Liverpool]

RG 10 | Piece 572 | Page 2
9, Charles Place, Bromley, Middlesex.
Henry SPEEDING | Head | Married | 51 yrs | Occupation, Ship Joiner? | Born, Poplar, Middlesex.
Elizabeth SPEEDING | Wife | Married | 51 yrs | Born, Bromley, Middlesex.
John SPEEDING | Son | Unmarried | 19 yrs | Occupation, Carman | Born, Bromley, Middlesex.
Thomas SPEEDING | Son | Unmarried | 15 yrs | Born, Bromley, Middlesex.
Mary Ann SPEEDING | Daughter | Unmarried | 12 yrs | Born, Bromley, Middlesex.

Page 55
69, Garford St, Poplar
William SPEEDING | Head | Married | 52 yrs | Occupation, Trinity Pilot | Born, Poplar Middlesex.
Emma SPEEDING | Wife | 54 yrs | Born, Canterbury, Kent.
Sophia SPEEDING | Daughter | 25 yrs | Occupation, No Occupation | Born, Poplar, Middlesex.
Louisa SPEEDING | Daughter | 22 yrs | Occupation, No Occupation | Born, Poplar, Middlesex.
Fanny FARQUARSON | Visitor | Unmarried | 50 yrs | Occupation, No Occupation | Born, Jamaica, West Indies.

Circa 1870 These two photos were in a leather suitcase in the attic at 65, Burley Lane, Quarndon, Derbyshire, which I cleared out in the late 1980's when mum was selling the house to place gran in a residential home.
They were taken by A HONEY at one of any of their three studios: 14, High Street, Chatham; High Street, Rochester; or High Street, New Brompton.
The couple in the photos are very likely to be of either of CH GIBSON's grandparents:
Henry John William GIBSON who died in 25th Dec 1891 aged 82 yrs | Eliza GIBSON nee THOMAS who died 25th Aug 1998 aged 85 yrs
They lived at 3, Medway Terrace, Rochester, Kent
John CLARKE who died 24th Jan 1990 aged 80 yrs | Eliza CKARKE nee SPEEDING who died 19th Mar 1991 aged 74 yrs
They lived at Ridgeway, Shorne, Kent


1862 Death in the Sub-district of Bow in the County of Middlesex
No 220 | When and where died | Twenty Sixth January 1862, 9 Charles Place, Bromley.
Eliza Emma SPEEDING | Female | 10 months.
Occupation | Daughter of Henry SPEEDING, Joiner.
Cause of Death | Bronchitis, Certified.
Description of Informant, E SPEEDING Mother in attendance, 9 Charles Place Bromley.
When registered | Thirty First January 1862 | Signiture of registrar | J Dunstan

RG 9 | Piece 473 | Ridgeway, Shorne, Kent.
John CLARK | Head | Married | 51 yrs | Occupation, Wood dealer | Born, Shorne, Kent.
Eliza CLARK | Wife | Married | 45 yrs | Born, Poplar, Middlesex.
Eliza Jane CLARK | Daughter | Unmarried | 20 yrs | Occupation, Domestic Occupation | Born, Shorne, Kent.
Sophia CLARK | Daughter | Unmarried | 18 yrs | Occupation, Domestic Occupation | Born, Shorne, Kent.
Avice CLARK | Daughter | Unmarried | 15 yrs | Occupation, Domestic Occupation | Born, Shorne, Kent.

Page 57
2, Warwick Road, Hackney, London.
James BOWLEY | Head | Married | 57 yrs | Occupation, Ship Owner and Ship Builder | Born, Portsmouth?, Hampshire.
Sarah BOWLEY | Wife | Married | 51 yrs | Born, Liverpool, Lancashire.
Edwin BOWLEY | Son | Unmarried | 25 yrs | Occupation, Clerk (Life Assurance) | Born, Poplar, Middlesex.
Sarah WILSON | Servant | Unmarried | 37 yrs | Occupation, Cook | Born, Poplar, Middlesex.
Emily CARR? | Servant | Unmarried | 30 yrs | Occupation, Housemaid | Born, Limehouse, Middlesex.

RG 9 | Piece 300 | Page 22
9, Charles Place, Bromley, Middlesex.
Henry SPEEDING | Head | Married | 40 yrs | Occupation, Joiner | Born, Poplar, Middlesex.
Elizabeth SPEEDING | Wife | Married | 40 yrs | Born, Poplar, Middlesex.
Henry SPEEDING | Son | Unmarried | 16 yrs | Occupation, Ostler | Born, Poplar, Middlesex.
Betsy SPEEDING | Daughter | Unmarried | 15 yrs | Born, Poplar, Middlesex.
John SPEEDING | Son | Unmarried | 10 yrs | Born, Poplar, Middlesex.
Thomas SPEEDING | Son | Unmarried | 5 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Poplar, Middlesex.
Mary Ann SPEEDING | Daughter | Unmarried | 2 yrs | Born, Bromley, Middlesex.

Registration District, North Ayelsford
1857 Death in the Sub-district of Northfleet in the County of Kent.
No 25 | Thirteenth March 1857, Shorne
Name, Jane CLARK | Female | 85 yrs
Occupation, Widow of John CLARKE Woodman
Cause of Death, Bronchitis, Old Age Certified
Description of Informant, X the Mark Susan RUSSELL, Present at the Death, Shorne, Ridgeway, Shorne,
When Registered Seventeenth March 1857| Registrar, Mark SIDDALL

1854 Death in the Sub-district of Poplar in the County of Middlesex
No 182 | When and where died | Fourteenth November 1854, 1 North Street
Eliza SPEEDING | Female | 4 months.
Occupation | Daughter of Henry SPEEDING, Ship Joiner.
Cause of Death | Pneumonia 1 week. Diarrhoea 3 weeks, Certified.
Description of Informant, Mary NICKLER present at the death, 15 North Street Poplar.
When registered | Twentieth November 1854. | Signiture of registrar | PP GAGEN

1851 Death in the Sub-district of Poplar in the County of Middlesex
No 236
When and where died | Eighth January 1851, 1 North Street
James SPEEDING | Male | 2 years.
Occupation | Son of Henry SPEEDING, Ship Joiner.
Cause of Death | Measels 4 days, Tabes Mesenterica 9 weeks Certified.
Description of Informant, Henry SPEEDING present at the death, 1 North Street Poplar.
When registered | Eighth January 1851.
Signiture of registrar |W WELDON deputy.

John CLARK | Head | Married | 41 yrs
Occupation, Wood Dealer employes 17 labourers | Born, Shorne, Kent.
Eliza CLARK | Wife | Married | 3? yrs | Born, Poplar, Middlesex.
Eliza Jane CLARK | Daughter | - | 10 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Shorne, Kent.
Sophia CLARK | Daughter | - | 8 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Shorne, Kent.
Harriot CLARK | Daughter | - | 7 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Shorne, Kent.
Avice CLARK | Daughter | - | 5 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Shorne, Kent.
John CLARK | Son | - | 2 yrs | Occupation, At Home | Born, Shorne, Kent.
Rebecca CLARK | Daughter | - | 1 month | Occupation, At Home | Born, Shorne, Kent. [Would be 21 days old]
Ellen FENNER? | Nurse? | Married | 47 yrs | Occupation, A Labourers Wife | Born, Frindsbury, Kent.

HO107 | 1556 | Page 703.
19, Garford St, Poplar
William SPEEDING | Head | Married | 35 yrs | Occupation, Pilot | Born, Poplar Middlesex.
Emma SPEEDING | Wife | 35 yrs | Born, Canterbury, Kent.
William SPEEDING | Son | 7 yrs | Born, Poplar Middlesex.
Emma SPEEDING | Daughter | 10 yrs | Born, Poplar Middlesex.
Mary Ann SPEEDING | Daughter | 5 yrs | Born, Poplar Middlesex.
Sophia SPEEDING | Daughter | 4 yrs | Born, Poplar Middlesex.
Louisa SPEEDING | Daughter | 2 yrs | Born, Poplar Middlesex.
Alfred SPEEDING | Son | 2 Months | Born, Poplar Middlesex.
Fanny POWELL | Servant | 16 yrs | Born, Poplar Middlesex.

HO107 | 1556 | Page 20
Dock Superintendants House, Poplar, Middlesex.
Simon KNIGHT | Head | Married | 58 yrs | Occupation, Superintendent Eng? West India Dock Company | Born, Middlesex, London.
Sarah KNIGHT | Wife | Married | 63 yrs | Born, Middlesex, London.
Robert KNIGHT | Son | Unmarried | 33 yrs | Occupation, Clerk to a Ship Owner | Born, Poplar, Middlesex.
Sibella KNIGHT | Daughter | Unmarried | 31 yrs | Born, Poplar, Middlesex.
Marianne KNIGHT | Daughter | Unmarried | 27 yrs | Born, Poplar, Middlesex.
Jane KNIGHT | Daughter | Unmarried | 25? yrs | Born, Poplar, Middlesex.
[Next Page 21]
James KNIGHT | Son | Unmarried | 25 yrs | Occupation, Clerk in West India Docks | Born, Poplar, Middlesex.
William BOWLEY | Visitor | 7 yrs | Occupation, Instruction at home | Born, Poplar, Middlesex.
Mary CHAPMAN | Servant | Unmarried | 28 yrs | Occupation, House Servant | Born, Lewisham, Kent.
Mary DANIELS | Servant | Unmarried | 21 yrs | Occupation, House Servant | Born, Bideford, Devon.

HO107 | 1556 | Page 19
19, Pennyfields, Poplar, Middlesex
James BOWLEY | Head | Married | 47 yrs | Occupation, Shipbuilder and Ship Joiner / Church Warden | Born, Hampshire.
Sarah BOWLEY | Wife | Married | 44 yrs | Born, Limehouse. [Actually born, Liverpool]
Frederick BOWLEY | Son | Unmarried | 21 yrs | Occupation, Ship Joiner | Born, Limehouse.
Charles BOWLEY | Son | 18 yrs | Occupation, Ship Joiner | Born, Limehouse.
Edwin BOWLEY | Son | 16 yrs | Occupation, Clerk | Born, Limehouse.
Percy BOWLEY | Son | 4 yrs | Born, Limehouse.
Jane WILLIAMS | Servant | Unmarried | 30 yrs | Born, Kent.
Rebecca EMMETT | Servant | Unmarried | 27 yrs | Born, Wiltshire.

HO 107 1556 | Folio 276
North Street, East Side, No 1
Henry SPEEDING | Head | Married | 31 yrs | Occupation, Journeyman Carpenter | Born Poplar.
Elizabeth SPEEDING | Wife | Married | 31 yrs | Born, Bromley.
Henry SPEEDING | Son | Unmarried | 6 yrs | Born, Bromley.
Elizabeth SPEEDING | Daughter | 4 yrs | Born, Bromley.

Registration District, Northfleet.
Birth in the district of Northfleet in the County of Kent.
No 274 | When and where born, Ninth March 1851, Shorne.
Name, Rebecca | Girl
Name of Father, John CLARK.
Name of Mother, Eliza CLARK formerly SPEEDING.
Occupation of Father, Wood Dealer.
Description of Informant, John CLARK, Father, Shorne, Ridgeway, Shorne.
When Registered, Twenty Seventh March 1851 | Registrar, George SIDDALL

1848 Death in the Sub-district of Poplar in the County of Middlesex.
No 171
When and where died | Eighteenth January 1848, 19 Garford Street Poplar
James Caterson SPEEDING | Male | 3 months.
Occupation | Son of William SPEEDING, Pilot.
Cause of Death | Pneumonia 8 days, Certified.
Description of Informant, Emma SPEEDING present at the death, 19 Garford Street Poplar.
When registered | Twenty Fourth January 1848.
Signiture of registrar | PP GAGEN

1848 Sampler stitched in 1848 by Eliza Jane CLARK aged 7


Marriage solemnized at Parish Church, Stepney, Middlesex
When and Where, 25 February 1843
Henry SPEEDING | Of full age | Bachelor | Profession, Carpenter |
Residence, Stepney |
Fathers name, James SPEEDING | Profession of Father, Carpenter.
Elizabeth ALDOUS | Of full age | Spinster | Residence, Stepney |
Fathers name, John ALDOUS | Profession of Father, Carpenter
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns by me, J. HARRISON
This marriage was solemnized between us, H SPEEDING, E ALDOUS.
In the presence of us | J ALDOUS, A ALDOUS

Registration District Stepney
Birth in the Sub-district of Limehouse in the County of Middlesex.
No 123
March the Fifth 1842, Ruggs Place, Limehouse
William | Male
Name of Father, William SPEEDING
Name of Mother, Emma SPEEDING formerly BIRD
Occupation of Father, Lighterman.
Description of Informant, William SPEEDING Father, Ruggs Place, Limehouse.
Registered, March the Twenty First 1842 | Regsitrar, Adolphus BARNETT?

Registration District, Northfleet.
Birth in the district of Northfleet in the County of Kent.
No 210 | When and where born, Twenty Seventh of December 1840, Shorne.
Name, Eliza Jane | Girl
Name of Father, John CLARK.
Name of Mother, Eliza CLARK formerly SPEEDING.
Occupation of Father, Wood-dealer.
Description of Informant, J CLARK, Father, Shorne.
When Registered, Fourth of January 1841 | Registrar, Glover MUNGEAM?

HO107 | 0702 | 3 | Folio 31
New Road, Poplar, Middlesex.
Simon KNIGHT | 45 yrs | Occupation, Superintendent | Born, In Middlesex County.
Sarah KNIGHT | 50 yrs | Born, In Middlesex County.
Robert KNIGHT | 20 yrs | Occupation, Clerk | Born, In Middlesex County.
Sibella KNIGHT | 20 yrs | Born, In Middlesex County.
Marianna KNIGHT | 15 yrs | Born, In Middlesex County.
Jane KNIGHT | 15 yrs | Born, In Middlesex County.
James KNIGHT | 13 yrs | Born, In Middlesex County.

HO107 | 702 | Book 10 | Folio 22-25
13, Emmett Street, Poplar, Middlesex.
James BOWLEY | 35 yrs | Occupation, Clerk | Born, Outside Middlesex County.
Sarah BOWLEY | 30 yrs | Born, Outside Middlesex County.
Frederic BOWLEY | 11 yrs | Born, Middlesex.
Thomas BOWLEY | 8 yrs | Born, Middlesex.
Sydney BOWLEY | 8 Months | Born, Middlesex.
Penelope MARSHALL | 35 yrs | Occupation, Servant | Born, Outside Middlesex County.
Eliza GIBBONS | 16 yrs | Occupation, Servant | Born, Outside Middlesex County.

Marriage solemnized at Parish Church, Frindsbury, Kent | 30th March 1840
John CLARKE | Of Full Age | Bachelor | Profession, Wood Dealer | Residence, Frindsbury
Fathers name, John CLARKE | Profession of Father, Wood Dealer.
Eliza SPEEDING | Of Full Age | Spinster | Residence, Frindsbury |
Fathers name, James SPEEDING | Profession of Father, Carpenter
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns by me, Samual DELVES, Off Minister
This marriage was solemnized between us, John CLARKE, Eliza SPEEDING.
In the presence of us | James HEAD, Elizabeth HAMMOND

Marriage solemnized at Parish Church, Bromley St Leonard, Middlesex | 19th May 1839.
William SPEEDING | Of full age | Bachelor | Profession, Lighter Man |
Residence, Bromley |
Fathers name, Deceased | Profession of Father, A blank line.
Emma BIRD | Of full age | Spinster | Residence, Bromley |
Fathers name, John BIRD | Profession of Father, Warehouse Keeper?
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England by Banns by me, ? H Allen, Curate.
This marriage was solemnized between us, William SPEEDING, Emma BIRD.
In the presence of us | Samual WARDE? Eliza OSBORN?

James Lowther SPEEDING is quoted as her brother in Sarah SPEEDING's Will of 1820
Registration District, Greenwich.
1839 Death in the Sub-district of Greenwich West in the County of Kent.
No 435
1839, January 8th at 3 o'clock in the afternoon at 12, Church Fields, Greenwich.
Name, James Lowther SPEEDING.
Male | 76 yrs | Occupation, Shoemaker.
Cause of Death, Decay of Nature.
Description of Informant, Norah SPEEDING, Widow, 12 Church Fields Greenwich.
When Registered, 1839 January 9th.
Registrar, Robert SUTER.

Registration District, Poplar
Birth in the Sub-district of Poplar in the County of Middlesex.
No 172 | 21 October | 15 Emmett Street, Poplar
Percy Wallis BOWLEY
Name of Father, James BOWLEY.
Name of Mother, Sarah BOWLEY formerly WREN.
Occupation of Father, Gentleman.
Description of Informant, J BOWLEY the father.
When Registered, 29th November | Registrar, Thomas Williams GEORGE


Sampler stitched in 1824 by Eliza SPEEDING aged 8


Original information held at Tower Hamlets Local History Library in two volumes entitled "Census 1821" - Page 109
East of London Family History Society Parish Returns Series No 3
Poplar 1821
Jas? SPEEDING North Street
Number of Males 3
Number of Females 2
Total number 5



Page 25, St. Leonards, Bromley microfilm 1255, Tower Hamlets Local
History Library, 277 Bancroft Rd., London.
The date of birth is written by the 'When Baptised' column.
Eliza SPEEDING birth date given as 15 Jul 1815 in the CLARK family bible

London Borough of Tower Hamlets, Local History Library and Archives | MISC/50/7 (a)
Photocopy of memorandum of agreement (28th Aug 1815) re sale of No 4 Robin Hood Lane, by James SPEEDING to Robert BURNSIDE, (it refers to the will of William SPEEDING, father of James SPEEDING.) - This letter was among items deposited by W. Phyllis WHITE in the 1970’s and 80’s.

Memorandum made this 28th day of August 1815. Between Mr Rob BURNSIDE and Mr SPEEDING.
The said Mr SPEEDING is to pay all the Rates Taxes and every other imposition for and in respect of the house Numbered 4 in Robin Hood Lane purchased by the said Robert BURNSIDE? ? ? next.
And it is also agreed between the said parties that the 20 part of the purchase money shall be retained by the said Robert BURNSIDE until a ? is levied, and the Will and Codicil of William SPEEDING, the father of the said James SPEEDING is registered at the Register Officer for the County of Middlesex.
And also until a copy of the abstract, An attested copy of the Conveyance to the said William SPEEDING and an attested copy of the Deed of Covenant from Samson HANBURG Esquire to the said William SPEEDING is delivered to the said Robert BURNSIDE free of expense to him the said Robert BURNSIDE.
Witness Thomas BOYSON? James SPEEDING


James SPEEDING of this Parish, Bachelor and Mary WRIGHT of this Parish Spinster.
Were married in this Church by Banns with Consent of this thirtieth Day of January in the Year One thousand eight hundred and fifteen
By me WB COLES Curate
This Marraige was solemnized between us James SPEEDING Mary WRIGHT
In the Presence of Henry SIMONS | No. 540.

London Borough of Tower Hamlets | Local History Library and Archives | MISC/50/7 (b)
Photocopy of letter of 21st Feb 1813 from William Speeding at Madras, India, to his father William Speeding at the White Horse, Poplar.
His father William Speeding had died Oct 1812, five months before he wrote him this letter! This letter was among items deposited by W. Phyllis WHITE in the 1970's and 80's.

Madras July 21st 1813
Honoured Father, I take this opportunity that offers by the ship City of London and have to acquaint you that I am now on board of the Frederick and Maria bound to Bombay and I only joined her yesterday and this is the first employ I have had for 5 months.
Mr Hoare will tell you all the circumstances as he was at my house and dined with me.
I will thank you if possible to send me out by the first ships that come to Madras a new brass sextant of Mr Justin Making - not too large - and a book of two volumes of Mr Arrowsmiths arrangements charts.
This sextant will cost about 8 guineas and the book of charts about 10 or 12 guineas and direct them to me in the company of Mr A. Frestivess, Madras.
I must conclude as I am in a great hurry only my best wishes for your health and likewise for my brothers and sisters as thank God me and my wife is at present remembers one to all.
? friends and I remain ? ?
Dutiful son, W Speeding
* 1995 Dorothy Gibson nee Perkins informed me that she sold a brass sextant in the 1960's which was engraved with the Speeding name.
- It's out there somewhere!



1810 'West India Dock' c 1810 | Heritage card No 4 | From Frontispiece Antique Prints

1809 Laurie and Whittle's New Plan of London with its environs 1808-10
Top right is arrow pointing to where the SPEEDINGS lived North Street.


Obituary in a newspaper cutting in the CLARK Family Bible:
BOWLEY James. June 1, at his residence, The Cottage, Lee-Road, Lee, James Bowley, Esq., in his 85th year. deeply regretted. Friends, please accept this (the only) intimation.
James BOWLEY was a descendent of Sarah WRENN and her mother Sarah SPEEDING.

'Person Sheet' sent to ND by Pam Miles in 2007

Parish registers for the children of John CLARK and Jane CLARK nee FREEMAN





2002 Written by Tony GIBSON in an email to Nick DELVES
My father's "first names, like his father and grandfather and me, were John CLARK - to commemorate an ancestor, a tenant farmer back in the 18th century, an admirer who had invited John WESLEY, denied entry in established churches, to preach in his barn. For this John CLARK was evicted and lost his livelihood."
John Wesley's dates are 1703 - 1791
