Home Family Tree


Eulogy given by Charles GIBSON for his mother Dorothy GIBSON nee PERKINS. This was a part of the memorial service held on the 23rd February 2007 at Holy Trinity Church, Kirk Ireton.


1990 Kate GIBSON

Spring 1971
After the christening of Kate GIBSON at The Turret, Rake, Liss, Hants.
Caroline GIBEY, Dorothy GIBSON, Timmy the dog, Bill GILBEY, ER DELVES, Jill HILL, Aunty Wyn JONES, Michael GOLDING (who gave Felicity away), Paul, Nick, Matt, B DELVES, Diana GUIVER nee MACKEY (Godmother to Kate), Charles GIBSON, Joanna MACKEY, Felicity GIBSON, Greg GIBSON, Dr James MACKEY, Yvonne GOLDING, Lady VAUX

29th June 1968
St Mary's, Cadogan Street, London
Dorothy GIBSON with Lambert MARTIN who was a solicitor. At the wedding of Felicity's sister Caroline HILL to Mark DURY

1965 [127 negative]
Dorothy GIBSON with friends in Uganda

Box 118, Wainwright Alta 28th November 1965
Dear Aunt Dorothy
Just a few lines to send with our Christmas Greetings. We trust this finds you well and everything going nicely. We are keeping about as usual. This past year has been a fairly good one in respect of business. David started attending the University of Alberta this fall. He wants to get a B. of Com. degree, which will require 4 years study. He has had quite a bit of practicle experience in accountancy; he has helped in my office a lot in the past, and all last summer did accounting work for a pipe laying concern. Faith is taking her last years of High School (Grade XII) and is continuing her musical studies. She also teaches piano to a number of pupils. She is frequently asked to play for special events of one kind or another. Thus she keeps very busy.
Tommy and Danny are in Grades V and iV respectively. tommy likes astronomy and space exploration, and Danny is forever 'inventing' something! both are getting to be big boys. We want to say thank you for forwarding the legacy under Uncle Charle's will. We appreciated his thought and love. Will close now as I have a number of letters to write. We send our love to you and Charles and Barbara and her husband. Yours lovingly Hattie and David, David, Faith, Tommy and Danny

Charles GIBSON setting off to Chestertons Estate Agents. Possibly first day of work.
Possibly standing outside Wyn JONES garden

Tatler 29 Jan 1964

1963 Studio portrait B GIBSON

Xmas 1963

2, Gerald Road, Worthing, Sussex, Phone 9609
Dear Charles, Glad to get your letter and know that we can fix up a meet sometime - I say soon because I shall have to cut out the Ealing visit next Friday and so also lunch with you as I had intended. For I have had to fix up a meet with a sub editor that day in Westminster and as I shall be leading a group discussion in the evening must try and hold myself in or I shall be staggering around like an old man?! But I'll drop you a line soon after Xmas when I've recovered from Xmas with my grandchildren!
It will be a rather shadowed Xmas for you all. But need not be less happy and we shall be thinking of you and send our greetings for Xmas and the New Year. I am, this Xmas, economising on printed greetings for the first time ever! Tho' reluctantly - for it means letter writing 'at the double'. Our best wishes again to Barbara - tell her there is a gleam of hope for her as she is marrying a Yorkshireman.
* They are the salt of the earth - though of course, their nature modesty and lack of pride in their county, inhibits them badly and they don't recognise it!
Your Uncle Jack
* This considered opinion due to my early ministry at Eastbrook Hall, Bradford

My Mum met my Dad 'Dick' skiing in Sauze d'Oulx, Italy in 1963. She was on the way to Cyprus with 'Mad Mave' from St Thomas's. They were to meet with Dorothy her mother in Cyprus. They took the wrong boat from Italy and Dad thinks they ended up in Albania! In Greece Mum met Alberto who owned Orange Groves, Dorothy liked Alberto. Dad used to drive down to Croydon every weekend from his job at Mintex Brake Liners. Mintex had arranged a crammer 'Dictaphone' course in German for Dad in Bradford as they had bought into a German company and wanted Dad to oversee their overseas operations. Dad crashed out of the course. When Dad met up with mum at Newton Solney in a music club they played a record 'Et Maintenant' by Charles Aznavour
They married in Addington, Croydon a year later. Dad was very soon put in his place, when he bought a house in Derbyshire at auction. She took one look at it and made him sell it on to the next highest bidder for a £50 loss!

1963 St Thomas's Hospital B GIBSON S.R.N. on left
They used Big Ben as the ward clock

1963 St Thomas's Hospital




Circa 1960 CH GIBSON

Circa 1960 B GIBSON on holiday somewhere

1960 B GIBSON at Mary Louise wedding

1960 B working at 'St Thomas', Westminster.

1960 On holiday in Yugoslavia with other nurses from 'St Thomas', Westminster.

1960 B GIBSON at Iona

1960 Iona Charles, Jennifer, CH, B GIBSON

1960 Iona CH, Charles, B & cousin Jennifer (Jack GIBSON's daughter)

1960 Iona Dorothy & Jennifer GIBSON


Circa 1959 Charles GIBSON with Sarah the boxer

47, Bruce Avenue, Worthing, Sussex. 14 Aug 1959
Dear Chas, Delighted to learn that you and family - less one - are having a good break at Cannes.
My only criticism - which please pass on with my love to Dorothy - is that I am just horrified at the callous and almost brutal way in which you are all leaving poor little Barbara on her lonesome here in England. It seems to me a cruel desertion by the side of which the incidents of the Musgroves? (was that the name of your neighbours so carelessly treated by their children?), let alone the Clark Gibsons, being left to themselves whilst their family go about their lawful occasions, seem negligible.
I'm thinking of writing to "The Times" about it, or even asking The Croydon Corporation to think again about the J.P.s they put in office. It's another sign of the now generally admitted decadence of the country.
Love to you all, Jack

Circa 1958 CH GIBSON at Iona, Radcliffe Road, Croydon

[Probably The Croydon Times or Croydon Advertiser]
After 37 years' service to the town as a councillor, alderman and, for one year, as Mayor, Ald. Charles Herbert Gibson has retired from Croydon Council. Ald. Gibson came to Croydon 48 years ago, when he joined a small firm of builders. since then, he has become one of Croydon's most prominent public figures and a leading businessman. His services to the town were recognised in 1954 when he was made a Freeman of the Borough. He is also a Deputy-Lieutenant of Surrey.
Ald. Gibson was elected to the council in 1921 and he soon made his mark as a man who was prepared to fight for any cause on which he felt strongly. He became known as the "chief tram scrapper," because of his persistent efforts to get rid of the trams then controlled by the council.
Ald. Gibson led the successful campaign soon after the last war which led to the trustees of the Crystal Palace, of whom he was one, reinstating a sports centre onthe derelict grounds.
He founded, in 1913, the building firm of C.H. Gibson Ltd., which employed about 300 people, and for over 30 years has been a director of Stewart Klitz and Co., the Croydon firm of estate agents. Ald. gibson served as an Army officer in both world wars.
He has had many public interests outside the council. He is a Whitgift governor and was a member of the Croydon Group Hospital Management Committee and the South West Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board when the hospital service was first taken over by the State. He has been a Rotarian for 35 years.


Circa 1958 B GIBSON probably at Felixtowe, Suffolk, where she went with her friends who were other nurses at St Thomas's Hospital

Circa 1958
B GIBSON probably at Felixtowe, Suffolk, where she went with her friends who were other nurses at St Thomas's Hospital.

Circa 1958 Nurses from St Thomas's friends of B GIBSON probably at Felixtowe, Suffolk.

Apr 1958 Pont Vechio, Florence.
Went on an Italian tour with three American friends who were also studying French at the Sorbonne Language Department inParis

Apr 1958 B GIBSON in Florence. Betti & B at Pompei with Vesuvius in the background. Nancy & Betti in Pompei

Circa 1957 Charles GIBSON

1956 Ancaster House. School Jubilee 'The Scarlet Pimpernel'

Circa 1956 Jane ELAM & Ann COOK
Probably taken outside a classroom
O-Level Certificates for English Language, General Science, English Literature, History, Religion, Art


Circa 1956
B GIBSON at Iona | Charles GIBSON at Iona
Charles GIBSON at St Andrews Prep School, Eastbourne

1955 South of France. CH GIBSON flew in later but Dorothy drove Charles, Barbara and Alice Rees cruising down to the South of France in their 1930’s Rolls Royce

1955 South of France Dorothy GIBSON, Dr REES, Alice REES, Barbara GIBSON, Charles GIBSON, Mrs REES and Tom REES

1955 South of France and Spain
Charles Gibson writes 'Yes, we did go to Spain; it may have been on the same trip but I can’t remember.'

Circa 1955 Charles and CH GIBSON with Kim the dog at Iona, Radcliffe Road, Croydon

Apr 1955 B GIBSON & Ann COOK On Bexhill Beach, where they went every day in summer term for a swim

1955 B attended school at Ancaster House, Bexhill-on-Sea from Sep 1952 to Jul 1957

Circa 1955 Miss D Hart. Probably a teacher at Anaster House

2 Nov 1954 The date is stamped on the back


Circa 1954

10 Feb 1954 'Freedom of Borough to Lt Col. GIBSON 10/2/54' is handwritten on the back.
Dorothy can be seen to the seated to the left of CHG

[Probably The Croydon Times or Croydon Advertiser]
Freedom of the borough for Ald. Gibson
Ald. C. H. Gibson, who has served on Croydon Council longer than any other member, is to be the borough's 21st honoury freeman.
The council agreed on Monday to confer this honour on Ald. gibson in recognition of his 30 years' service to Croydon as councillor and alderman and, for one year, as Mayor.
Forty-four years ago Ald. gibson came to croydon and for many years he has been among its leading figures in business and social life as well as in municipal affairs.
Educated at Kingswood School, Bath, he was articled to a firm of contractors and then came to Croydon to join a small firm of builders.
He founded the firm of C.H. Gibson Ltd. (Contractors) in 1913. This firm moved to its present London Road premises in 1928 and now employs about 300 men.
For 29 years Ald. Gibson has been a director of Stewart Klitz and Company, the estate agents.
He was Mayor of Croydon in 1949 and during that year, as a representative member of the Crystal Palace Trustees, he took the leading part in getting a running track and football pitches provided in the derelict grounds. That was before the grounds were acquired by the London County Council.
A man with a fearlessly independent mind. Ald. Gibson is never afraid to take the unpopular view on any question.
Soon after he was first elected to the council he became known as "chief tram scrapper" because he felt that the trams, which were then owned by the cororation, had out-lived their usefulness,
He has done some of his most valuable work on the council as chairman of the Planning and Development Committee.
He is governor of the Whitgift Foundation, a member of Croydon Rotary Club and a member of Croham Hurst Golf Club.
Ald. Gibson, who holds the rank of lieut, -colonel, served overseas in both wars. He was in France in 1940 and scrambled back from St. Malo in June with the last of four officers and 91 men of the original company.
Last year Ald. Gibson was appointed a Deputy Lieutenant of Surrey.

10 Feb 1954
Freedom of Borough to Lt Col. GIBSON 10/2/54 is handwritten on the back.
Invitation for Barbara to Croydon Town Hall for her father's 'Freedom of the Borough' presentation

CHG played golf with Ernest Tabener and Basil Monk. Ernest Tabener was the Croydon Town Clerk and had a Norwegian wife. Basil Monk was the chief director of Trojan Cars which were by the Post Office, his wife was called Florence.
CHG was a member of Addington Golf Course but they preferred to play at Croham Hurst as it was convenient. All three men were given the 'freedom of the borough'

Circa 1954 Malcolm SARGENT, CH GIBSON and an unknown man
Malcolm SARGENT was a famous English conductor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malcolm_Sargent

30 Jun 1953 Handwritten on back 'Woodside School Sports Junior Boys 30-6-53'

July 1952 Senior 1/20 at Croydon High School for Girls
At school there from Sep 1944 to Jul 1952.

1951 Col. Gibson being invested with Alderman's chain by the outgoing Mayor Stacey (Maurice Robert STACEY was mayor 1951-1952

Alderman Gibson served as a Councillor for the Central Ward from 1921 until 1930, and again from 1932 until elected an Alderman in 1937 in which office he served until 1958.
Col. Gibson held the office of Mayor from 1949 to 1950 and was admitted an Honorary Freeman of the borough in 1954. He was appointed one of Her Majesty's Deputy Lieutenants for the County of Surrey in 1951.
In his long career on the Council, Col. Gibson served on many Committees: he was Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee from 1945 to 1949, and of the Air Raid Precautions Committee from 1938 to 1940. After five and a half years' commissioned service with the Royal Engineers, Alderman Gibson undertook the Chairmanship of the Council's Housing Committee. With thirty years experience of the building trade behind him he was unanimously voted the man for the job and he energetically tackled the toughest job of the day providing as many much needed homes in the shortest possible time.
He also represented the Council on several organisations, including the Whitgift Educational Foundation and the Governing Body of the Croydon High School for Girls

1951_Newspaper_New_Deputy_Lieutenants.pdf [Probably The Croydon Times or Croydon Advertiser]
The Lord Lieutenant of surrey has appointed Ald. James Marshall and Ald. C.H. Gibson, both members of Croydon Council, Deputy Lieutenants of the county.
The qualifications for a Deputy Lieutenant are that he must live in the county of within seven miles of it, and must have rendered worthy service with the naval, military or air forces as a member of one of the services or in a civil capacity.
Ald Gibson served in the Royal Engineers in both world wars and was gazetted a lieutenant-colonel in 1941. Since 1945 he has taken a close interest in Croydon's Territorial Army Units.
Ald. Marshall has done valuable work for the Territorial Army as Croydon's representative on the Surrey Territorial Association

1951 Dorothy and CH GIBSON visiting Charles at St Andrews School in front of their Rolls which they parked on the cricket pitch

1950 They took their school uniforms with them on holiday

1950 Lieutenant Colonel Charles Herbert GIBSON (1881–1962)
Painting by artist Maurice Frederick CODNER (1888–1958) Museum of Croydon

1950 Charles and B GIBSON at the Lord Mayor of London's Childrens' Party in 'The Mansion House', probably at Beckenham Place Park

1949/50 CH GIBSON on duty as Mayor at the fete at the bottom of Radcliffe Road, holding an unknown child

1950 CH GIBSON and Dorothy

1949 Col. Gibson held the office of Mayor from 1949 to 1950 and was admitted an Honorary Freeman of the borough in 1954. He was appointed one of Her Majesty's Deputy Lieutenants for the County of Surrey in 1951.
Invitations for Barbara & Charles to Croydon Town Hall for their father's election as Mayor
Invitation for Barbara to a garden party at 'Combe Wood', Croydon.

[Probably The Croydon Times or Croydon Advertiser]
Ald. Gibson to be Mayor
Prominent business man and Croydon Council member since 1921, Ald. Lieut.-Col Charles Henry Gibson of Radcliffe Road, East Croydon, is to be Croydon's next Mayor. He will take office in May. Tall and lean, crisply effective as a speaker untiring as a champion, Ald. Gibson will wera the mayoral robes with dignity and effect.
Educated at Kingswood School, Bath, he was articled to a firm of contractors and then joined a small firm of builders in Croydon 40 years ago. He started C.H. Gibson Ltd, (Contractors), in 1913, moving to the present London Road premises in 1928, and now employing 350 men. He has been a director of Stewart Klitz and Co. for 25 years.
He served overseas in both wars and has over ten years' commissioned active service to his credit. He was in France in 1940, and scrambled back from St. Malo in June with the loss of four officers and 91 men of the original company. Soon after his election to the council he became known as the "chief tram scrapper" for his trenchant advocacy of that policy. The Council then controlled the local service. He has served on several important committees and is chairman of the Planning and development Committee. He has many public interests outside the council. He is a Whitgift governor and chairman of the Foundation Finance Committee, member of the South-West Regional Hospital Board, chairmanof the Finance Committee of the Croydon group of hospitals, and a member of the Crystal Palace Trustees, in which capacity he engineered the successful campaign to reopen the grounds to the public.
He is a member of several professional bodies, and has been a Rotarian since 1923. He belongs to the Croham Hurst Golf Club. He is married.
Ald. Gibson's election as Mayor will have the support of the council's Labour group. His name was put forward by a selection committee on which labour is represented. Croydon Rotarians at their luncheon on Tuesday, warmly congratulated their collegue on his selection.

Next Mayor of Croydon
A man who has distinguished himself as a soldier, a builder and a civic administrator has been chosen as next Mayor of Croydon. The Mayoral Selection Committee on Monday night unanimously recommended Croydon Town Council to elect Alderman Colonel Charles Herbert Gibson to succeed Councillor Ernest Turner next May.
By profession, Colonel Gibson is a master builder and he is the founder of the well-known firm of C.H. Gibson Ltd., Thorton Heath. When he was first elected in November 1921 he was one of the youngest members of Croydon Town Council. He represented the Central Ward and was appointed a member of the Croydon Finance Committee in 1925.
In January 1930 he retired from the Town Council to go on a tour round the world. On his return, he took an active interest in various organisations in the town and at the Municipal Elections of November 1932, he was returned to the Town Council, again as a representative for Central Ward.
He has served on most of the principal committees of the Town Council and recently has been prominent as representative for Croydon on the board of the Crystal Palace trustees. It is largely through his efforts that plans have been prepared for the reopening of the Palace grounds as a sports and recreation centre.
Col. Gibson first came to Croydon in 1908 and from 1914 to 1918 he was the Commanding Officer of a company in the Royal Engineers. He was wounded and spent eleven months in hospital.
Soon after the outbreak of World War II, he was given leave of absence by Croydon Town Council foir the duration of the war to enable him to rejoin the Forces. He took a commission in the Royal Engineers and went to France, where he was quickly promoted from the rank of captain to major. In 1941 he was promoted from Deputy Commander to Commander in the Royal Engineers with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel.
During the fateful German advance and the Dunkirk retreat in June 1940, Col. Gibson brought his unit back from Rheims after an exciting journey via St. Malo, with a loss of four officers and 91 men from the original company.
Both Col. Gibson and his wife were on active service in World War II. Mrs. Gibson, who was in the A.T.S., was on the staff of Lady Lawrence.
Colonel Gibson is one of the senior members of Croydon Rotary Club and he has always been promiment in the social life of the town.
He serves as a member of the south West Regional Hospital Board and the Croydon Group Hospital Committee . He is a Whitgift Governor and chairman of Croydon Council Planning and Development Committee.
In his spare time Col. Gibson is a keen golfer, and a member of Croham Hurst Golf Club.
A tribute to the work of Col. Gibson was paid at Monday's meeting of Croydon Town Council by alderman L.A. Asaton, chairman of the Finance Committee, who said: "I am sure we owe a debt of gratitude to Col. Gibson for his efforts in bringing into public use a substantial area of land at the Crystal Palace. I hope he will continue his efforts and see that ultimately a building is put on the site worthy of the town of Croydon and the surrounding district."

1949 Iona
Iona had been built by Mr KENNARD who was run over and killed by a bus while posting a letter. CHG and Dorothy bought the house in 1948.
CHG built the swing, Lois PERRY's house is behind. The PERRY's remained family friends.

1949 Iona
The gardener & Charles | Dorothy GIBSON on the swing

1949 Brighton Road, Purley. Ethel PERKINS, Gladys and Bill LUMSDEN's house. Semi-detached opposite recreational ground next door to church.
1. Ethel Beeching PERKINS nee MILLER, Dorothy GIBSON nee PERKINS, Gladys LUMSDEN nee PERKINS holding Michael, Bill LUMSDEN, B GIBSON. Charles GIBSON at the front
2. Reg MILLER (with dark sweater) man on the right.

9B Dingwall Avenue, Croydon, 31 March 49
My dear Dorothy.
This is what I overheard yesterday. I had walked along to the 'Times' Office to see the coloured photographs of Charles and yourself displayed in the window. Behind me two girls were also looking and I heard one say - 'Doesn't she look young! You could take her for Princess Elizabeth couldn't you. But it's like her isn't it.' Who these people were I don't know, but I felt fully in agreement with their observations. Moreover, I had all day been connecting you in my mind with another royal personage - The Duchess of Kent. When I looked at you, that is who I felt strongly reminded of. And I thought that even the Duchess of Kent at her very best could not have looked smarter. I think you struck a most perfect note, and nothing nicer could have been turned-out by even the like of Norman Hartnell you looked perfectly and truly 'swell'.
There were two other women I also admired. One was Mrs Marshall - to whom I would apply the word 'chic'. The other, I don't know who it was, but she was shortish, a little elderly and she was dressed in a soft blue. It was not the clothes, but the very beautiful triple row of pearls she was wearing. They were lovely.
Altogether Dorothy I thought it was a grand day and very enjoyable. A very tiring one for you both and I expect you were glad when you were quietly back at home. If there is ever any little thing I can do such as minding house or anything at all, please know that I should only be too glad to help, and never hesitate to let me know.
Good luck, good health and a very happy year to you both. with love, Reg



Aug 1948 Bovey Tracey, Devon
They went in two cars, so CH could do some independent touring. Walking along the front in Torquey, B wearing Jenny Gibson's cast off dress.

Aug 1948 Bovey Tracey, Devon
B with 'George Richard Hug-Me GIBSON' which was given to six year old B by her fourteen year old cousin Jenny GIBSON.
After B married her husband Dick threw Hug-Me away, the sadness remained forever.

Aug 1948 Bovey Tracey, Devon
Charles wearing a homemade swim-suit | The Cottage they stayed at in the village of Bovey Tracey, Devon.


The date 30 OCT 1946 is stamped on the back

Circa 1946 B GIBSON studio

Circa 1946 Studio hand coloured photo of Charles and B GIBSON

Circa 1946 The Spinney, Warren Road, Purley. B DELVES thought the car would have been Dorothy's Renault.
They returned to The Spinney just before the end of the war and lived in a cottage at the bottom of the garden. CH had a Studebaker car which spent the war on blocks.

Circa 1946 The Spinney, Warren Road, Purley

Circa 1946 CH and Paddy
B had a swing to the left where she watched the red squirrels.
The Spinney was a big house with three acres. CH and Dorothy bought it soon after they married and lived there till 1948 when they moved to 'Iona'

1946 B & CH GIBSON at The Spinney, Warren Road, Purley

(Counc., 1921; Ald., 1937; Mayor, 1949-50).
1, 3, 6, 8, 12, 13, 18, 20, 25, 27, 33.
Chairman, A.R.P. Committee until rejoining R.E., 1939. Reported H.Q., Chatham, Dec., 17, '39. O.C. (Major) Army Constructional Company. France, Feb. 16, '40 On aerodrome construction immediately behind 'Line'. Company pushed out, May, '40 and finally got away (in various groups) by-passing Dunkirk from St. Malo, June 10-16, and landed Southampton, less 91 men and four officers (out of six). Then attached C.E. Southern Command as D.C.R.E., A.D.G.B. (Air Defence Great Britain). October, '41, C.R.E. (Lt.-Col.) in command of all R.E. work in Cornwall. Jan., '43, C.R.E., E. Riding, Yorks.
Wife also served - A.T.S. for a year.


11 Oct 1943 Written on the back 'Barbara Mary aged 3!!'
Stamped on the back 'Portrait by Columbia Studios 11 Oct 1943 315/317 Oxford Street, London, W1 and branches'

Circa 1943

Circa 1943
Dorothy's mother Ethel looked after Barbara through the war while Gran joined the 'Auxiliary Territorial Service' (ATS) and went to work for Lord and Lady Lawrence as a secretary. She worked in a beautiful old house called 'The Wardrobe' in Wilton, Nr Salisbury. This was originally Henry VIII's wardrobe? She drove a Renault. These photo's look like they were taken at that time.
1. Dorothy is second from left, Salisbury Cathedral behind.
2. Dorothy is seated left.

Circa 1943 Unknown ladies, but they must have worked at the same place.

Circa 1943 Dorothy GIBSON studio photo's in uniform.

1942 B GIBSON St David's, Wales.

Circa 1942 'Jackson, Andy, Rylar' CHG 2nd from right

16 May 1942 Dated on back of both profile photo in Dorothy GIBSON nee PERKINS handwritting 16.5.'42

16 Oct 1941 The photo is dated with a stamp on the back '16 OCT 1941' - Barbara's 2nd Birthday

Manor House, Tettenhall, Staffs. 12.11.40
Dear Reg
Many thanks for wire and letter. I sure was a bit peeved hence my note but am quite normal again now. As I said before you're quite welcome to the place for time being but you should:
1) Arrange for light, gas, water for cottage only in your name.
2) Leave key in spots indicated (no other agreed) so that it will be available at all times.
3) Bear in mind we want to get at our stuff.
4) Am paying gardener for two days a week don't think he's been near the place for quite a time if you could just check up a bit should be quite glad.
Sorry to hear you've been groggy and hope you're O.K. by now.
Don't worry about things and make yourself as comfy as poss - life's too short to do otherwise.
All the best, Yours, Charles

Manor House
Sweetheart. Devil of a job to get these and no more to be had for time being. Only 3 pairs can be purchased at a time. These are the only ones in Wolverhampton of the size. They say they may have more in 3 months. No ? anywhere. Took your watch which will be a week. Sorry colours not too good but no selection.
Feeling very low and depressed don't seem to be able to get on with my job. Thousands of snags if you try and do anything out of the ordinary rut.
Do hope your cold is better
All my love Chas.

Manor House 1. XI.40
Sweetie darling
Pyjamas turned up and will be very nice, shall wear them until I come down to you (or you come up here) and then perhaps you could get them down again quickly - yes?
If I could fix up for you to come up to Bridgenorth, where we stayed before for a week or so how would you like that? it's rather a long way out (14 miles) for driving at night but I could do it for a bit you would have company during the day.
Am going to try and get some stockings for you but I don't think the chances are very good.
Had a good run back but it's a long way and I was quite tired did over 450 miles in the three days. Still it was worth it and we certainly had a lovely day on Tuesday didn't we? I'm making other enquiries for a spot for you, but unless we go into the town, which I don't think we want, it's not too easy.
Have taken over the Mess secretary's job at Manor House for time being as the usual officer is away for a few weeks so I am hoping to get a decent cup of tea now! Last week it's been vile.
I shall live on last Tuesday till I see you again.
Do hope you're fit and well by now, All my Love Chas
PS Would you like to write to the people at Bridgenorth?

1940 Whitesands Bay, St David's, Wales. B GIBSON with Dorothy's Renault

1940 Whitesands Bay, St David's, Wales.
Gladys PERKINS on left holding dog. Gladys was a teacher and was evacuated with all her pupils to St David's very early in the war. The children lodged around St Davids. Gladys, her mother Ethel PERKINS and B stayed in the Manse. The children were taught at the Manse.

1940 Whitesands Bay, St David's, Wales. Local farmers dipping sheep

1940 Whitesands Bay, St David's, Wales. Ethel PERKNIS on bridge with B | Dorothy GIBSON with B

1940 B GIBSON St David's, Wales

17th June 1940
CHG put most of men on the RMS Lancastria at St Marla but stayed behind to wait for stragglers, 17th June 1940 the ship was blown up as it was leaving port. Family legend has that on his return he was interviewed by General BRITTON. (Probably, Edwin John James BRITTON) (Lancastia Survivors Association Annual Service at St. Nazarine, St. Catherine Cres.)

His son also called Charles Herbert GIBSON writes about his father:
"I know very little about his service record in W.W. 2 but as in W.W.1 he was in the Royal Engineers and was sent to France as part of the British Expeditionary Force.
He didn’t return via Dunkirk as Churchill had some hair-brained scheme of establishing a “Second Front” in Brittany but eventually  found his way to St. Nazaire, where, while waiting for stragglers, he watched the sinking of the Lancastria. Most of his fellow officers and men were already on board and some 5,000 died. I don’t think my father ever really recovered from the tragedy.
He was subsequently part of a team which met both Mongomery and Churchill and advised concerning the arrangements for the D. day landings."

My lovely darling
We've been harassed a bit, haven't had much sleep for a few nights and a different place each night, have found my "lilo" invaluable it's about the only thing I've hung onto. Can't give you an address as I don't know the official one. Have had no mail for a week and don't expect any for a bit. Think we're full of spies. Don't think this will go off for possibly a day or two but I sent you a field post card which should have reached you and in which I said I was OK. A spot of lumbago is all that is wrong and I've been using your linament quite a lot. Rushing around in an 8 HP open car all day and half the night isn't good for a lanky old juggins like myself.

I'm longing to get your letter which I know are piling up somewhere for me. and I can hardly realise it was only a fortnight ago we had such a lovely time together.
We had to move in a bit of a hurry and we've no permanent home yet. If I say more you may not get this. In fact I think they will probably "hang up" everything except filed post cards for a week or so.
I've just heard sweetheart that our old address is the one to use for the present.
If I wanted experiences then certainly had all I want for the next 50 years! The sooner I'm back at the Spinney with you the better I shall like it.
Will try and write again soon but conditions are not easy. I'm living on the beautiful knowledge of your love things would really have been bad if I had not. My lovely background to depend upon. Things will settle down and we will hold this blighter in a few days. My constant and devoted love to you sweetheart.

War Diary for March 1940
Held in the National Archives - War diary for the '671 General Construction Comapany' for the month of March 1940
Major CH GIBSON is referenced page 4
"Nuncq 26.3.40 Major Gibson appointed D.C.R.E.N - A.A.S.F Left the Company in afternoon. Capt. Colbourne temporily taking command. Canteen opened for men. C-in-C visited site."
Military Acronyms:
DCRE Deputy Commander Royal Engineers
AASF Advanced Air Striking Force

CH GIBSON went to war as a Major and finished as Lieutenant Colonel. He was a Major in the '671 General Construction Company'. Family legend is that he was based at Rheims, but the March 1940 War Diary has the company stationed and working at 'Nuncq' which I assume is Nuncq-Hautecôte 60 miles south east of Calais. His wife Dorothy, my grandmother told me she went went to visit in when he was in Paris. The Germans invaded and gran was one of the last ones out. She said he 'went back to Rheims to burn papers and walk his garrison to the coast'

Circa 1940 I am assuming this photograph was taken in France, but have no evidence to support this

1940 (End of March) Ninfield Bay, Sussex. Dorothy GIBSON holding Barbara
Written on back of these two photo's Dorothy GIBSON nee PERKINS handwritting "Barbara Mary GIBSON 5 1/2 months."

1940 Dorothy GIBSON holding Barbara

1940 (End of March) Ninfield Bay, Sussex. Ethel Beeching PERKINS nee MILLER holding Barbara

Gladys PERKINS (Dorothy's sister) holding Barbara

1940 Barbara 'B' GIBSON at 5 1/2 months

To: Mrs Dorothy GIBSON, Gisheen, Ninfield, Battle, Sussex, England.
Quite a good crossing. But not much sleep a bit tired but otherwise OK expect to reach final destination about 10am tomorrow. 6" of sloshy snow and boots not too good for that brand of weather! Men standing up to it excellently.
Sorry I did not see you on station but was so busy getting men entrained. We left in good order and had our exact numbers. Do hope you had a good journey and found the mother and Freddie in good condition. Miss you tremendously and even the best of batmen can't take your place!!
Cold practically game and things not too bad. Will write immediately I get to final spot. Love Chas
[A batman was an officer's personal servant in the army]

Kitchener Barracks, Chatham, Chatham 2936
Sweetheart Wife. I will not bring anyone home on Saturday week, so you can give Dora [CH & Dorothy's housemaid] notice if you like. I think it would be wise. Heard from Sir Herbert, he's making enquiries and will let me know.
The Mother and Gladys must stay till Friday week, if I can get home in the meantime well I'll just come, but don't think it probable. I may get put on orderly officers work soon in which case you are tied to barracks for 24 hours. Glad you've got a pram, off to another lecture.
Heaps of love Chas
Ella and I might come over on Saturday week - will you suggest it to them

1940 Dorothy GIBSON nee PERKINS with B

1939 'Lisheen', Ninfield Bay, Sussex. Gladys PERKINS with Paddy the dog.

1939 Lisheen, Ninfield Bay, Sussex. When the bombs started dropping on Croydon CH moved them to 'Lisheen'


1, Victoria Avenue, Penrith, Glam, S. Wales 26.X.39
My Dear Dorothy
I feel so ashamed that I have been so long in writing to tell you how delighted I am that you and Charles have a daughter. I had a very hectic week last week as both Jack and Jennifer were down with colds and had to be in bed. This meant a busy time with trays etc so I had very little spare time. Fortunately they are both better now and Jennifer is back at school. Jennifer is most thrilled to have a new cousin and wants to write her! She is very busy most days with school and homework but will probably try and evolve something during the weekend.
I do hope baby gets on splendidly, you will get a great deal of joy out of her I know, children bring work and anxiety but more happiness than anything else in the world (at least I think so).
We would love to get a chance of a glimpse of you both but will have to wait I expect until better days come. Tony is up at Cambridge at the moment but is expecting his tribunal soon. Where he will be sent then we don't know.
Penrith is a delightful spot and seems away from war. As a matter of fact we aren't very far from a dairper? area only 3 miles, but it is hard to imagine as it seems so peaceful.
I had a letter from Ella the other day she and Frank seem very busy, we hop sometime they will be able to get a few days off and come down here. I am sending a little parcel which I hope may prove useful just 'coals to Newcastle'.
Very much love and every good wish
Yours affectionately Winifred

Registration District Hailsham | Birth in the Sub-district of Hailsham North in the County of Sussex
No 394 | Born, Sixteenth October 1939, Lisheen, Ninfield Road | Barbara Mary | Girl
Name of father, Charles Herbert GIBSON | Name of Mother, Dorothy Ethel GIBSON formerly PERKINS
Profession of father, Director oef Companies of The Spinney, Warren Road, Purley, Surrey.
Description of Informant, Dorothy GIBSON, Mother, The Spinney, Warren Road, Purley, Surrey.
When Regsistered Thirteenth November 1939 | Signature of Registrar, AJB MIDDLETON

Circa 1939 Dorothy GIBSON nee PERKINS with Paddy the dog

Circa 1939 Dorothy GIBSON nee PERKINS with Pat MAHONEY who worked for CH GIBSON Ltd.

1939 CH GIBSON 2nd right front from middle front row

Circa 1939 ER DELVES thinks he has a crown on his lapel for a Major, which would date this photo to the start of the War. Army Number: P/119193

Address: 16, Warren Road, Coulsdon & Purley
Personal Occupation: Director Contracting and Building Firm, Director Auctioneer, Director Concrete Firm.
Instructions: Chairman of Croydon Emergency ARP (Air Raid Precaution) Committee.
Living at the same address was Dora HERBERT born 31st Dec 1913, Occupation Maid Servant.


CH GIBSON misrepresented his age to qualify for admission to the 2WW. he added a flourish to the 1 in 1881 to give the impression of a 7. The MOD index of retained war records have his DOB as 1887-11-22, his real DOB was the 22nd of Nov 1881.

Jan 1939 Written on back 'Sayoy, Funchal.' Funchal is in Portugal.
First Class Passenger; Charles Herbert GIBSON | 54 yrs | Address 9 Wellesley Rd, Croydon, Surrey | Profession; Surveyor | Port of Arrival Southampton | Date of arrival 6th Jan 1939 | Whence Arrived, Madeira | Also Dorothy GIBSON | 27 yrs

1939 B DELVES nee GIBSON says that they went on their honeymoon to Venice and an extended tour round Europe

1938 B DELVES thinks this is soon after they married at 'The Spinney', Warren Road, Purley.
They bought The Spinny, just after they married, it had a tennis court. They lived there till 1948 when they moved to 'Iona'

Dear Charles, The enclosed telegram failed to reach you before you left after your wedding - although posted at Winchester at 10.45am (just 2 hours run 63 miles), so it will serve to welcome you both home supplemented with our best wishes. We had a cup of tea with Miss Lawrence last Saturday and inspected the alterations etc. to the flat. Ella went to see the old Aunt and I called on Bests for an hour. We hope that Dorothy will find time soon to give us an invitation to 'sup tea' if not to 'break bread' with you both. Had an OK holiday and both feel well. Yours as ever Frank. Ella
PS I have lodged a protest at the Post Office for late delivery of telegram, so please let me have letter back in case it may be required. F

A Croydon Newspaper Approx Aug-Sep 1938
At the beginning of Aug Alderman C.H. Gibson, who first joined Croydon Council in 1921, married Miss Dorothy Perkins of Addiscombe. The wedding was kept a secret; indeed the Alderman's Council collegues were unaware it had taken place until he and his bride had left for their honeymoon in the South of France.
Ald Gibson was warmly congratulated by his fellow Rotarians when he arrived at the Greyhound Hotel Croydon on Tuesday to attend the weekly luncheon of Croydon Rotary Club. After lunch, the president, Rotarian H. Needham, wished Alderman and Mrs. Gibson health and happiness in their married life.
"Now," he added, "perhaps he will let us know why he did it."
Replying, Ald. Gibson expressed thanks for the good wishes and congratulations.
"I had been thinking about this step for some time," he said, "and I can assure youy that it came as no surprise to me". (Laughter.)
"Having made up my mind, I did the deed very quickly, and I did it without having anyone present anyone except those absolutely essential for the wedding. Even my closest friends knew nothing about it until twenty-four hours before."

A Croydon Newspaper Approx 8th Aug 1938
A romantic secret, well kept for nearly a week, is revealed in the news that Ald. C. H. GIBSON was married at Croydon Register Office on Wednesday of last week.
Mrs Gibson is an Addiscombe resident and was Miss Dorothy Perkins before her marriage. The couple are now on their honeymoon in the South of France.
Ald. Gibson, who lives in Wellesley-road, is head of the well known firn of building contractors that bears his name, and which has been responsible for some of the most important of recent buildings in the centre of Croydon. He joined the Council in 1921 and was elected to the aldermanic bench last year. The Croydon Repertory Theatre is one of his chief spare time interests outside municipal work.

Registration District, Croydon
Marriage solomnized at The Register Office in the District of Croydon in the County Borough of Croydon.
No. 190
When married; Third August 1938
Charles Herbert GIBSON | Age, 56 yrs | Bachelor.
Profession; Company Director.
Residence at time of marriage; Welleslay Road, Croydon.
Father's name; Henry GIBSON (deceased)
Profession of father; Minister of Religion.
Dorothy Ethel PERKINS | Age, 25 yrs | Spinster.
Residence at time of marriage; 24, Stretton Road, Croydon.
Father's name; Alfred Ernest Aldridge PERKINS (deceased)
Profession of father; Station Master (Southern Railway).
Married in the Register Office by Licence before me Phillip J. STEVENS, Registrar. Arthur THORN. Deputy Supt. Registrar.
In the presence of; A.C. PERKINS, Ethel Beeching PERKINS, Stewart G. KLITY.

Tuesday evening 2.8.1938
Dear Old Charles, Ella has just told me the news of your projected marriage tomorrow - a bit short notice for one to collect one's ideas in! - but you'll not need telling that you have my very best wishes for a happy union. You've had a rough patch in many ways and deserve what I have always hoped you would again choose, a home of your own and a wife in it.
As I don't know the lady I can't congratulate you, but I can congratulate the lady. Please give her my most cordial congratulations on her good fortune.
All the very best to you old boy and lots of love. Jack

Circa 1938 CH GIBSON Studio Photo

1938 CH GIBSON Ltd Works, Probably London Road, Purley.
In the 1938 photo Dorothy is second from the right on the front row. They married 3 Aug 1938 - the same year!
2nd from left middle row Robert SMITH (Director)
From Left Front row A J CHAPMAN (Director) | CH GIBSON (Owner) | Pat MAHONEY (glasses) | Mrs Mabel BROWN | Dorothy PERKINS | Stanley PEARD

Holiday:- Passenger; Charles Herbert GIBSON | Profession; Surveyor | Ship; Carare | Date of departure; 8 Feb 1938 | Destination; Kingston, Jamaica.

1937 Back left to right Unknown gentleman, Miss May SHAIL, Ella GIBSON, Unknown lady, CH GIBSON
Front left to right Unknown lady, Aunt Avice CLERK, Unknown lady

1936 CH GIBSON Ltd Works, Probably London Road, Purley.
In the 1936 photo Dorothy is third from the right on the front row.
The other secretary was Mrs UMLANDT who had been with the firm for years. When CH had bought the original window cleaning business off Mr UMLANDT he had been made to promise to always employ his daughter. Dorothy found it difficult to cope with her!

Circa 1932 My mother Barbara Delves told me that her father was 'Mikado' in this production, so he is the tall central character top middle. 'B' said it was at the 'Croydon Repertory Theatre'. I had an email thread with Rosie of Croydon Borough Archives in Aug 2023 who searched for the performance through 71 volumes across four boxes without success.
The Croydon Repertory Theatre opened 13th Sep 1932 at 23 Wellesley Road at the junction with Poplar walk and closed in 1940 when badly damaged by enemy bombs. I wonder if CH Gibson Ltd were party to the original opening construction works and would like to know if any other members of the cast were from the firm?

July 1930 Addiscombe Cricket Club
Joe PEIRCE left side of bench, CH GIBSON standing on right

Holiday:- Passenger; Charles GIBSON | Profession; Surveyor | Ship; Duchess of Richmond| Date of departure; 25 Jan 1930 | Destination; Round Voyage, West Coast Of Africa.
Travelling with Ernest SMITH | Profession; Contractor.

Registration District Brentford
Death in the Sub-district of Ealing in the County of Middlesex.
No 137
When and where died, Twenty Fourth February 1930, 13 Drayton Green Road, Ealing, U.D.
Name, Eliza Jane GIBSON | Female | 89 yrs |
Occupation, Widow of Henry GIBSON Weslyan Minister
Cause of death
1(a) Myocarditis | No P.M.
Description of informant, Ella Gibson, Daughter Present at the Death. 13, Drayton Green Road, Ealing.
When Registered, Twenty Fifth February 1930
Registrar, J. C. BAINES

Coun. C.H. Gibson, of Croydon, hasw returned from a three month's sea trip to South America.

Holiday:- Passenger; Charles H GIBSON | Profession; Surveyor | Ship; Orduna | Date of departure; 8 Jan 1929 | Destination; Valparaiso, Chile.
Travelling with Stewart G KLITZ | Profession; Auctioner.

1928 CH GIBSON Ltd Works, Probably London Road, Purley.
Have no date for this I think CH looks same age as Rotary photo below

14 Jun 1928 European delegates enroute to Rotary International Convention Minneapolis U.S.A.
Taken at Granite Club Toronto Canada June 14th 1928| Photo R3084 Panoramic Camera Co. 251 Victoria St., Toronto

Abode: Croidene, 9, Wellesley Road, Croydon

9 Feb 1928 Skating below the Eiger
Addressed to his Auntie Miss Avice CLARK Dated 9 Feb 1928 158, Addiscombe Road, Croydon.
6 for 5 haves - so somebody must have them!! I'm sorry they're not better tho they might be worse!!
Still most gorgeous here. Sun all day and true about ? hard all night
Hope you're ? Love Chas

1922-1926 Polling Registers
1922_Autumn_CH_GIBSON_Electoral_Register.jpg - Abode at 124, George Street, Croydon
1926_CH_GIBSON_Electoral_Register.jpg - Abode at Knighton, Pampisford Road, Croydon


1924 Marriage solemnized at Langley Weslyan Chapel in the District of Macclesfield in the County of Chester
No 29 | When married, September Eighteenth 1924
Charles Herbert GIBSON / 42 yrs / Bachelor / Profession, Building Surveyor.
Residence, 124B, George Street, Croydon / Father's name, Henry GIBSON (deceased) / Profession of father, Weslyan Minister. Marion WILKINSON / 34 yrs / Spinster
Residence, "Garvey", Sutton, Macclesfield / Father's name, John WILKINSON (deceased) / Profession of father, Flour Merchant.
Married in the Langley Weslyan Chapel according to the Rites and ceremonies of the Weslyan Methodists by Certificate by me R.F. MORRISON
This Marriage was solemnised between us Charles Herbert GIBSON, Marion WILKINSON in the Presence of us,

The Methodist Church, 25 Marylebone Road, London. Obituries 1924 page 127
(30) HENRY GIBSON: born at Gravesend, January 31, 1839. His parents were loyal Methodists, and the influences of his home made his heart sensitive and responsive to God. His early religious training had its issue in his definite surrender to Christ at the age of twenty. In 186I he was accepted as a Candidate and was immediately sent into a circuit.
His ministry everyWhere bore gracious fruit. He had great success as an evangelist, and in one circuit the membership was doubled during his term.
Every part of his work was marked by thoroughness and fidelity. His pulpit ministry showed that he had disciplined himself to studious habits. He was a strong and wise administrator, having a sound judgment of men and things. As a pastor he loved his people with an absorbing devotion, and his self-detachment and sensitive sympathy quickly won their hearts.
In all circuits he is chiefly remembered for his transparent and radiant goodness. The years of his retirement were spent at Ealing, where many saw in his refined character the beauty of holiness. He entered into rest on March 5, J924, in the eighty-sixth year of his age and the sixty fourth of his ministry

Registration District Brentford
Death in the Sub-district of Ealing in the County of Middlesex.
No 379 | When and where died, Fifth March 1924, 13 Drayton Green Road, Ealing, U.D.
Name, Henry GIBSON | Male | 85 yrs | Occupation, Weslyan Minister (Retired)
Cause of death, 1. Chronic Interstepial Nephritis 2. Chronic Uraemia No PM
Certified by J Brooke Hickley MRCS
Description of informant, Ella Gibson, Daughter Present at Death. 13, Drayton Green Road, Ealing.
When Registered, Seventh March 1924
Registrar, J. C. BAINES

1921? Freemasons
Bro. Capt. Charles H. Gibson, Royal Athelstan Lodge, No. 19. Life Member.
President Gro? E. Logan.

2002 Written by Tony GIBSON - as a possible entry in his new book.
Father (John Clark GIBSON), back from a stint as a chaplain in the disastrous World War One Gallipoli landing and then the march through enemy territory (now known as Iraq) from Kut to Bagdad, had been invited at the war's end to take on a big London church where the congregation grew week by week with ex-oldiers who had seen him in action under fire, and ministering in between times to the shell-shocked and dying.
Besides his weekday and Sunday job he managed to fit in a regular soap box stint on Speaker's Corner, Hyde Park, gathering big crowds to promote the idea of a League of Nations, and an end to the arms race, with a dash of Christian socialism thrown in. So being able to project his otherwise gentle voice, vowel sounds and all, was important to compete with the traffic round Marble Arch.

1921 CH GIBSON elected as a Croydon Council member.

1921_10_17_Roll_British_War_&_Victory Medals_TNA-WO329.pdf
His entry in the roll of the Silver War Badge (given to officers and men discharged on medical grounds), which gives the unique number of his badge and his home address of 124 George Street, Croydon

Circa 1920 John Clark (Jack), CHarles Herbert, Frank Speeding
Ella Mabel, Eliza Jane and Henry GIBSON in the garden at 13, Drayton Green Road, Ealing, Middlesex

The undermentioned temp. Capts. relinquish their Commns. and retain the rank of Capt: C. H. Gibson, on account of ill-health contracted on active service. 23rd Apr. 1919

Catherine Threadgold GIBSON died 1st Dec 1918 at 5, Mount Park Road, Ealing
Information verbally told to Nick DELVES by Dorothy GIBSON nee PERKINS in the early 1990's:
Catherine was the eldest child of Henry & Eliza GIBSON. She was an accountant and moved out of the house quite young, but supported the family. She never married.
During the war she got Peritonitus and died in hospital

31 Aug 1918 Eastbourne
After he was 'knocked out' he suffered headaches. Barbara DELVES nee GIBSON says that CH told her his teeth were removed in the war as that was the remedy at that time.
1919_08_12_Roll_Silver_War_Badge_TNA-WO329.pdf His entry in the roll of the Silver War Badge (given to officers and men discharged on medical grounds), which gives the unique number of his badge and his home address of 124 George Street, Croydon

Circa 1918 (no date) There were large scratches in the photo across his eyes, which I've rebuilt

1 May 1918 What do you think of this little lot? Taken while we were refitting at advance base - wish we were still there

In CHG's 1939 'Army Form B199 a' - he was 'Knocked out April 1918' According to Dorothy GIBSON he was so badly injured they thought he was dead and put him in the morgue. She said he was sent to Brighton to recuperate.]
His son also called Charles Herbert GIBSON writes about his father: 'I do know that he was badly injured on the Somme, lay half dead in No Man’s land for two days but was rescued by a pair of  very brave stretcher bearers. The medical people thought that he was dead, he was put in the mortuary  but had the good sense to flicker an eye just before the burial party dropped him into a mass grave! He subsequently spent the next year recovering in a nursing home in Brighton before re-joining his regiment.'


Circa 1917 (no date)

2nd column The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts. 23rd Nov. 1916


Aug 1916


[Below is part of CH GIBSON's 1939 'Army Form B199 a', which details his involvement in the previous 1st World War.]
Great War 1915 to 1919. Wounded three times.
Appointed 1st. Lieutenant September 1915.
Two months R.E. Course. [Stated earlier in document] Course of R.E. instruction at Longmore 1915.
Captain October 1916
Knocked out April 1918.
O.C. 461 Coy, attached I.W.T. for work mainly on Somme from Corbie Via Peronne to Ham.
Reconstructed the whole canal of this section Including rebuilding locks, lock gates, bridges, remaking banks
(piling where necessary), removing sunken craft and much debris so that the water way could be used for navigation.
The whole of the work carried out under my direct instructions and supervision.
Generally I am a structural engineer, specialising in reinforced Concrete work, factories, road-making and bomb resisting buildings, with some knowledge of divers work and pumping


June 1916 Some of my men and a dugout to hold about 60 - About half the thickness of the roof on.
Charles is the tallest, he is standing second from left with his team in 1st world War. | Army Number P/119193

Charles Herbert Gibson to be temporary Lieutenant. Dated 20th December, 1915

13 Mar 1913 CH GIBSON was initiated into the Masonic 'Royal Athelston Lodge' with his younger brother Frank Speeding

26 Apr 1913 Addressed to Mrs GIBSON, 13, Drayton Green, West Ealing
' How does this strike you?'

1908 Sir James Marshall in a tribute in the Croydon paper when CH was given the ‘Freedom of the Borough’ said that CH came to Croydon in 1908.
He bought a window cleaning business for the premises it was run from. The owner made him promise to henceforth always employ his daughter Miss Burns. She was his secretary for the rest of his life.


Henry GIBSON | Head | 72 yrs | Married | Married 33 yrs | Occupation Weslyan Ministrer (Retired) | Born, Gravesend, Kent.
Eliza Jane GIBSON | Wife | 70 yrs | Married | Married 33 yrs | Born, Shorne, Ridgeway, Kent
Catherine Threadgold GIBSON | Daughter | 32 yrs | Single | Occupation, House duties | Born, Kettering, Northants.
Ella Mabel GIBSON | Daughter | 25 yrs | Single | Occupation, Teacher of Music | Born, Rye, Sussex.

RG13 | Piece 1481 | Folio 27 | Page 10 | Huntingdon St., St Neots, Hunts.

Henry GIBSON | Head | Married | 62 yrs | Occupation Wesleyan Minsiter, Born, Gravesend, Kent.
Eliza J GIBSON | Wife | 60 yrs | Born, Shorne, Kent.
Catherine T GIBSON | Daughter | Single | 22yrs | Occupation, Governess School | Worker | Born, Kettering, Northampton.
Frank S GIBSON | Son | Single | 17 yrs | Born, Tiverton, Devonshire.
Ella M GIBSON | Daughter | Single | 15 yrs | Born, Rye, Sussex.


John Clark (Jack), Charles Herbert, Frank

Registration District, Medway.
Death in the Sub-district of Rochester and Chatham in the County of Kent.
No 150
Twenty Fifth August 1898, Victoria Street, Rochester U.D.
Name, Eliza GIBSON | Female | 85 yrs |
Occupation, Widow of Henry John William GIBSON a Master Builder.
Cause of Death, Senile decay, Certified by Alexander BROWN M.R.C.S.
Description of Informant, Ernest GIBSON, Son, In attendance, 16 Victoria Street, Rochester.
When Regsitered, Twenty Fifth August 1898.
Registrar, Thomas ROBINSON.

Circa 1898 Top left to right.
Ella Mabel, John Clark (Jack), Charles Herbert, Frank
Bottom left to right. Catherine Threadgold (Kate), Henry, Eliza Jane nee CLARK

1893 Kingswood School - This photo was owned by CH GIBSON, I have sent a copy to Kingswood School.
Attended by:-
Jack GIBSON 1892 -1896
Charles H GIBSON 1895 - 1897
Frank GIBSON 1897 - 1898
Info from 'The Wesley Centre', Kingswood Sch., Bath Letter from 'The Wesley Centre' Kingswood School 13 Apr 2000


Circa 1893 Henry & Eliza GIBSON
Henry married twice and had children in both marriages.
He married Frances CAIN 22 Apr 1867 The Weslyan Chapel, Penrith, Cumberland

Registration District, Medway.
Death in the Sub-district of Rochester in the County of Kent.
No 65
Twenty Fifth December 1891, 3 Medway Terrace, Rochester U.S.D.
Name, Henry John William GIBSON | Male | 82 yrs |
Occupation, Retired Shipwright.
Cause of Death, Natural Decay, Certified by A.T.F. BROWN M.B.
Description of Informant, James WOODS, Son in Law, present at the death, 3 Medway Terrace, Rochester.
When Regsitered, Twenty Fifth December 1891.
Registrar, Donald E PROTHERO

RG 12 | Piece 2511 | Page 31
12, Burton Road, Ashby, Leicestershire.
Henry GIBSON | Head | Married | 52 yrs | Occupation, Weslyan Minister | Born, Gravesend, Kent.
Eliza GIBSON | Wife | Married | 50 yrs | Born, Shorne, Kent.
John C. GIBSON | Son | 11 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Kettering, Northampton.
Charles H. GIBSON | Son | 9 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Tiverton, Devon.
Frank S. GIBSON | Son | 8 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Tiverton, Devon
Ella M. GIBSON | Daughter | 5 yrs | Born, Rye, Sussex

RG12 | Piece 656 | Folio 51 | Page 5
3, Medway Terrace, Rochester, Kent
Henry John William GIBSON | Head | Married | 81 yrs | Occupation; Retired Foreman Shipwright | Born; Chatham, Kent.
Eliza GIBSON | Wife | Married | 79 yrs | Born; Portsmouth.
Emily GIBSON | Daughter | Single | 48 yrs | Born; Rochester, Kent.
Hannah Louisa PEACE | Sister | Widow | 73 yrs | Born; Gillingham, Kent.
Lucie WEAVER | Boarder | Single | 41 yrs | Occupation; Head Mistress Board School Rochester | Born; Woolwich, Kent

1884 (Written in a letter from Tony GIBSON 5 Dec 1996)
Your information about Rev. Henry GIBSON and his children seems correct. I do not know much more except what I heard from my father. For instance that Henry used to line up his children in the study armed with a tuning fork and get them to sing Do, Ray, Me etc. which when all were present, left two spare! He also used to do chemical experiments with them, conduct magic lantern shows with the light provided with gas, in a leathern bag on which my grandmother was required to sit in order to keep up the pressure. At one point the whole thing caught fire and Henry bore it down the aisle and out of the church without anyone being much injured.
One of my father's earliest memories was at the age of about four sitting under the kitchen table and being almost overcome with the family excitement when a new parcel of books was being unpacked. I think Henry read Darwin, even though he probably disagreed with some of it.


Registration District Tiverton
Birth in the Sub-district of Tiverton in the County of Devon
No. 20
Born, Twenty Second November 1881, Twyford Place, Tiverton U.S.D.
Name, Charles Herbert | Boy
Name of Father, Henry GIBSON
Name of Mother, Eliza Jane GIBSON formerly CLARK
Occupation of Father, Wesleyan Minister
Informant, Henry GIBSON, Father, Twyford Place, Tiverton.
When registered, Twenty Seventh December 1881.
Registrar, Arthur Cruwys SHARLAND.

1881 Census
RG11 | Piece 0885 | Folio 74 | Page 20 |
3 Medway Terrace, Rochester St Nicholas, Kent.
Henry J.W. GIBSON | Head | Married | Male | 71 yrs | Occupation, Ship Builder | Born, Chatham, Kent.
Eliza GIBSON | Wife | Married | Female | 68 yrs | Occupation, Ship Builders Wife | Born, Portsmouth, Hampshire.
Emily GIBSON | Daughter | Unmarried | Female | 32 yrs | Occupation, Ship Builders Daughter | Born, Gravesend, Kent.
Elizabeth F. GIBSON | Daughter | Unmarried | Female | 24 yrs | Occupation, Governess Prof | Born, Rochester, Kent.
Isabel E. GIBSON | Grand Daughter | Female | 4 yrs | Born, Chatham, Kent.
Florence E. BLACKALL | Servant | Female | 15 yrs | Occupation, General Serv (Domestic) | Born, Chatham, Kent.
Lousia WEAVER | Boarder | Unmarried | Female | 31 yrs | Occupation, School Board Mistress | Born, London, Middlesex.

1881 Census
RG11 | Piece 3119 | Folio 30 | Page 6
28 High St, Market Harborough, Leicester.
William ALLEN | Head | Married | Male | 61 yrs | Occupation Watch Maker | Born, Melton Mowbray, Leicester.
Anne ALLEN | Wife | Married | Female | 61 yrs | Born, Wales.
Thomas Hry. WARREN | Boarder | Unmarried | Male | 20yrs | Occupation, Watch Maker | Born, Stamford, Lincoln.
Ann PLOWRIGHT | Servant | Unmarried | Female | 15 yrs | Occupation, General Servant | Born, Gt Bowden, Leicester.
Henry GIBSON | Visitor | Married | Male | 42 yrs | Occupation, Wesleyan Minister Of Kettering | Born, Gravesend, Kent.

1881 Census
RG11 | Piece 1575 | Folio 93 | Page 18 | Rockingham Road, Kettering, Northampton Eliza J. GIBSON | Wife (Head) | Married | Female | 40 yrs | Occupation, Wesleyan Ministers Wife | Born, Shorne, Kent
Eliza F. GIBSON | Daur | Unmarried | Female | 9 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Weardale, Durham. [Actually Step-Daughter]
Frederick T. GIBSON | Son | Male | 8 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Shotley Bridge, Durham. [Actually Step-Son]
Catherine T. GIBSON | Daur | Female | 2 yrs | Kettering, Northampton.
John C. GIBSON | Son | Male | 1 yrs | Born, Kettering, Northampton.
John CLARKE | Visitor | Married | Male | 71 yrs | | Born, Shorne, Kent | Occupation, Retired Wood Merchant.
Eliza CLARKE | Visitor | Married | Female | 65 yrs | Born, Poplar, Middlesex.
Grace CLOAK | Servant | Unmarried | Female | 16 yrs | Born, Alverdiscott, Devon | Occupation, General Servant.

1881 Census | RG11 | Piece 0885 | Folio 74 | Page 20 |
3 Medway Terrace, Rochester St Nicholas, Kent.
Henry J.W. GIBSON | Head | Married | Male | 71 yrs | Occupation, Ship Builder | Born, Chatham, Kent.
Eliza GIBSON | Wife | Married | Female | 68 yrs | Occupation, Ship Builders Wife | Born, Portsmouth, Hampshire.
Emily GIBSON | Daughter | Unmarried | Female | 32 yrs | Occupation, Ship Builders Daughter | Born, Gravesend, Kent.
Elizabeth F. GIBSON | Daughter | Unmarried | Female | 24 yrs | Occupation, Governess Prof | Born, Rochester, Kent.
Isabel E. GIBSON | Grand Daughter | Female | 4 yrs | Born, Chatham, Kent.
Florence E. BLACKALL | Servant | Female | 15 yrs | Occupation, General Serv (Domestic) | Born, Chatham, Kent.
Lousia WEAVER | Boarder | Unmarried | Female | 31 yrs | Occupation, School Board Mistress | Born, London, Middlesex.

Registration District Kettering
Birth in the Sub-district of Kettering in the County of Northampton
No. 459 | Born, Ninth February 1880, Rockingham Road, Kettering.
Name, John Clark | Boy
Name of Father, Henry GIBSON
Name of Mother, Eliza Jane GIBSON formerly CLARK
Occupation of Father, Weslyan Minister
Informant, Henry GIBSON, Father, Rockingham Road, Kettering
When registered, Fifth March 1880. | Registrar, Christopher PARKER.

Marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of Shorne in the County of Kent.
No 156 | When Married, 30th October 1877
Henry GIBSON | Of Full Age | Widower | Profession, Weslyan Minister.
Residence at time of Marriage, New Sleaford, Lincolnshire.
Fathers Name, Henry John Williams | Profession of Father, Gentleman.
Eliza Jane CLARK | Of Full Age | Spinster
Residence at time of Marriage, Shorne.
Fathers Name, John CLARK | Profession of Father, Gentleman.
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church, by Superintends? 'Registrar's Certificate', by me, William JOYNES - Vicar of Chalk.
In the Presence of us, John CLARK, Rebekah CLARK

Registration District Weardale
Birth in the Sub-district of St Johns in the County of Durham.
No. 97 | Born, Twenty Third July 1871, High House, Stanhope.
Name, Eliza Frances | Girl
Name of Father, Henry GIBSON.
Name of Mother, Frances GIBSON formerly CAIN.
Occupation of Father, Weslyan Minister.
Informant, Henry GIBSON, Father, High House Stanhope
When registered, Third August 1871 | Registrar, Jonathan BROWN HILL

RG 10 | Piece 4954 | Page 81
Castle Bank, Tow Law, Wolsingham, Durham.
Hannah AINSLEY | Head | Widow | 47 yrs | Occupation, Timber Merchant of 9 Men | Born, Stanhope, Durham.
Annie AINSLEY | Daughter | Unmarried | 15 yrs | Born, Tow Law, Durham.
Clara AINSLEY | Daughter | Unmarried | 8 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Tow Law, Durham.
Betsey L AINSLEY | Daughter | Unmarried | 3 yrs | Born, Tow Law, Durham.
George ELLIOT | Boarder | 30 yrs | Occupation, Timber Merchant | Born, Hedley Hope, Durham.
Henry GIBSON | Visitor | Married | 32 yrs | Occupation, Weslyan Minister | Born, Gravesent, Kent.~
Esther PEARSON | Servant | Unmarried | 26 yrs | Occupation, Servant Domstic | Born, Kelloe, Durham

RG 10 | Piece 4948 | Page 28
High House, Stanhope, Weardale, Durham.
Head absent
Frances GIBSON | wife | Married | 34 yrs | Occupation, Weslyan Minister wife | Born, Nenthead, Cumberland.
Arthur H GIBSON | Son | Unmarried | 3 yrs | Born, Appleby, Westmorland.
Isabella VICKERS | servant | Unmarried | 18 yrs | Occupation, Servant Domsetic | Born, Nenthead, Cumberland

Circa 1870 These two photos were in a leather suitcase in the attic at 65, Burley Lane, Quarndon, Derbyshire, which I cleared out in the late 1980's when mum was selling the house to place gran in a residential home.
They were taken by A HONEY at one of any of their three studios: 14, High Street, Chatham; High Street, Rochester; or High Street, New Brompton.
The couple in the photos are very likely to be of either of CH GIBSON's grandparents:
Henry John William GIBSON who died in 25th Dec 1891 aged 82 yrs | Eliza GIBSON nee THOMAS who died 25th Aug 1998 aged 85 yrs
They lived at 3, Medway Terrace, Rochester, Kent
John CLARKE who died 24th Jan 1990 aged 80 yrs | Eliza CKARKE nee SPEEDING who died 19th Mar 1991 aged 74 yrs
They lived at Ridgeway, Shorne, Kent

(Written in a letter from Jennifer GIBSON 29th May 1997)
Henry Gibson was a poor carpenter, at Chatham Docks I think (somewhere near Rochester anyhow) who pulled himself up by his bootlaces till he got a job in the draughtsman's office at £800 - a year - a lot of money in those days, then he gave it up to become a Methodist minister, at £160 p.a. with eight children to feed on it!
He married twice. I don't know his first wife's name or when she died. The children in the first family were Arthur who emigrated to Canada, and had a son called David who was a cripple; Fred who emigrated to South Africa and had a daughter called Audrey; and Effie who didn't marry. I remember her when I was a small child but don't know when she died.
By the second marriage with Eliza Jane Clark he had Kits, who died before I was born; John Clark (my father), Charles Herbert (your Grandfather), Frank Speeding, and Ella.

(Written in a letter by Tony GIBSON 8th Jun 2002)
I have a little box, which once contained a set of compasses, with a metal badge on the top saying that it was conveyed to Henry GIBSON by the Commissioners of the Admiralty in 1858, when he turned in his job in Chatham Dockyard to study for the Methodist Ministry.

Marriage solemnized at the Weslyan Chapel in the District of Penrith in the County of Cumberland.
No 22 | When married, Twenty Second April 1867.
Henry GIBSON | Of Full Age | Condition, Bachelor | Profession, Weslyan Minister
Residence at time of marriage, Appleby, Westmorland
Father's name Henry J. W. GIBSON | Profession of father, Shipwright
Frances CAIN | Of Full Age | Condition, Spinster
Residence at time of marriage, Penrith, Cumberland
Father's name Thomas CAIN (Deceased) | Profession of father, Mining Agent
Married in the Weslyan Chapel according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Weslyan Methodists by Licence by me, Thomas L DILKS
Marriage in the presence of John C. STUART, James E. HARGEAVES, Esther Ann MANSON | John SCOTT, Registrar

1867 GIBSON_Family_Bible.pdf
These pages were sent to me by Tony GIBSON in 2000, they are from the GIBSON family bible which was previously owned by his father John Clark GIBSON.
The first page is an 1890 obituary notice for John CLARK in the 'Methodist Recorder'. The two last pages are copies of family history pages which record births marriages and deaths in the GIBSON family between 1867-1980

RG 9 | Piece 3898 | Page 1
Red Brow, Alston, Cumberland.
Thomas CAIN | Head | Married | 67 yrs | Occupation, Lead Mine Agent | Born, Alston, Cumberland.
Frances CAIN | Wife | Married | 62 yrs | Born, Knaresdale, Northumberland.
Frances CAIN | Daughter | Unmarried | 24 yrs | Occupation, House Maid | Born, Alston, Cumberland.
Mary PROUD | Niece | 11 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Northumberland.
Mary A. STEPHENSON | Servant | Unmarried | 22 yrs | Occupation, House Servant | Born, Alston, Cumberland

RG9 | Piece 476 | Folio 68 | Page 11
8, Bath Place, Rochester, Kent.
Henry J GIBSON | Head | Married | 51 yrs | Occupation; Shipwright | Born; Chatham, Kent.
Eliza GIBSON | Wife | Married | 48 yrs | Born; Portsmouth, Hampshire.
Henry GIBSON | Son | Unmarried | 22 yrs | Occupation; Shipwright | Born; Gravesend, Kent.
Emily GIBSON | Daughter | Unmarried | 18 yrs | Born; Gravesend, Kent.
Frederick GIBSON | Son | 15 yrs | Occupation; Apprentice Shipwright | Born; Gravesend, Kent.
John GIBSON | Son | 13 yrs | Occupation; Scholar | Born; Gravesend, Kent.
Ernest GIBSON | Son | 8 yrs | Occupation; Scholar | Born; Rochester, Kent.
Elizabeth GIBSON | Daughter | 4 yrs | Occupation; Scholar | Born; Rochester, Kent.

1861 Census | RG9 | Piece 476 | Folio 68 | Page 11
5, Bath Place, Rochester, Kent.
Benjamin GIBSON | Head | Widower | 57 yrs | Occupation; Shipwright (Superannuated) | Born; Chatham, Kent.
Sarah A. GIBSON | Daughter | Unmarried | 23 yrs | Occupation; Housekeeper | Born; Chatham, Kent.

Registration District Medway
Death in the sub-district of Gillingham in the County of Kent.
No 361 | First October 1861, Best Street Chatham.
Name, Ulysses Achilles THOMAS | Male | Age 94 yrs
Occupation, Greenwich Pensioner.
Cause of Death, Old Age Certified
Description of Informant, G CLOTHER, In attendence, Meeting House Lane, Chatham.
When Registered, Fourth October 1861. | Registrar, J WHITEHEAD

Registration District Medway
Death in the sub-district of Gillingham in the County of Kent.
No 152 | Seventeenth June 1859, Best Street Chatham.
Name, Sarah THOMAS | Female | Age 89 yrs
Occupation, Wife of Ulysses Achilles THOMAS Superannuated Warrent Officer R.N.
Cause of Death, Deacy of Nature, Bedridden for 5 years, Certified
Description of Informant, Eliza GIBSON, Present at the Death, Bath Place, Rochester.
When Registered, Seventeenth June 1859 | Deputy Registrar, J G TRACY.

Registration District, Medway.
Birth in the Sub-district of Rochester in the County of Kent.
No 391 | Second December 1856, Medway Cottages St Nicholas.
Elizabeth Florence | Girl |
Name of Father, Henry John William GIBSON.
Name of Mother, Eliza Gibson formerly THOMAS.
Occupation of Father, Shipwright.
Description of Informant, Eliza GIBSON, Mother, Medway Cottages, Rochester.
When Registered, Twelfth January 1857 | Registrar, Frederick John FURRELL

1851 Census | Piece 107 | Folio 1611 | Page 31
Rhode St., Chatham, Kent
Benjamin GIBSON | Head | Married | Male | 47 yrs | Profession, Superannuated from dock yard | Born Chatham, Kent.
Mary GIBSON | Wife | Married | Female | 50 yrs | Born, Rochester, Kent.
Sarah Ann GIBSON | Daughter | - | Female | 13 yrs | Born, Chatham, Kent.
Hannah PEACE | Visitor | Married | Female | 34 yrs | Born, Gillingham, Kent

HO 107 | Piece 2424
Hillersdon Terrace, Alston, Cumberland.
Thomas CAIN | Head | Married | 57 yrs | Occupation, Lead Mining Agent | Born, Nenthead, Cumberland.
Frances CAIN | Wife | Married | 52 yrs | Born, Slaggford, Northumberland.
Mary CAIN | Daughter | Unmarried | 22 yrs | Born, Nenthead, Cumberland.
Anne CAIN | Daughter | Unmarried | 17 yrs | Born, Nenthead, Cumberland.
Fanny [Probably Frances] CAIN | Daughter | Unmarried | 14 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Nenthead, Cumberland.

HO107 | Piece 1610 | Folio 99 | Page 26
High Street, Rochester, Kent.
Henry GIBSON | Head | Married | 41 yrs | Occupation, Timber Dealer | Born; Chatham, Kent.
Eliza GIBSON | Wife | Married | 38 yrs | Born, Portsmouth, Hampshire.
Henry GIBSON | Son | Unmarried | 12 yrs
Occupation; Scholar | Born, Gravesend, Kent.
Emily GIBSON | Daughter | 8 yrs | Born, Gravesend, Kent.
Frederick GIBSON | Son | 5 yrs | Born, Gravesend, Kent.
John GIBSON | Son | 3 yrs | Born, Gravesend, Kent.

29, Best St, Chatham, Kent
Ulysses THOMAS | Head | Married | 84 yrs
Occupation, Superannuated Warrent Officer | Born, Plympton, Devon.
Sarah THOMAS | Wife | Married | 82 yrs | Born, Uxbridge, Middlesex.
Martha DROW? | Servant | Unmarried | 45 yrs | Occupation, General Servant | Born Howton, Devon.
Ann FIELD | Lodger | Married | 64 yrs | Occupation, Seamans Wife | Born, London


HO 107 | Piece 458 | Page 8
Wakefield St., Gravesend, Kent.
Henry GIBSON | 30 yrs | Occupation, Shipwright | Born in Kent.
Eliza GIBSON | 25 yrs | Not born in Kent.
Henry GIBSON | 2 yrs | Born in Kent.
N. K. GIBSON | Male | 1 week | Born in Kent. [Not Known?]
Mary WIBBER | 60 yrs | Occupation F.S. | Born in Kent

Best Street, Chatham, Kent.
Ulyses THOMAS | 74 yrs | Pofession, 'R' | Born in County, No.
Sarah THOMAS | 72 yrs | Born in County, No.
Charles THOMAS | 30 yrs | Pofession, Shipwright | Born in County, No.
Elizabeth BRYDEN? | 85 yrs | Pofession, Independent? | Born in County, -
Sarah BRYDEN? |45 yrs | Born in County, No

Registration District, Gravesend.
Birth in the Sub-district of Gravesend and Milton in the County of Kent.
No 101 | Thirty First January 1839 at 2am in the Parish of Gravesend.
Henry | Boy |
Name of Father, Henry John William GIBSON.
Name of Mother, Eliza Gibson formerly THOMAS.
Occupation of Father, Shipwright.
Description of Informant, H.J.W. GIBSON, Father, 25 Wakefield Street, Gravesend.
When Registered, Sixteenth February 1839 | Registrar, Edward B ARNOLD

Registration District Chatham
Marriage solumnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of Chatham in the County of Kent.
No 65 | When married, 25 December 1837
Henry John William GIBSON | Of Full Age | Bachelor | Occupation, Shipwright
Residence at time of marriage, Road Street [This was probably
at his brother Benjamin's house in Rhode Street, Chatham.]
Fathers name, John GIBSON | Occupation of Father, Shipwright.
Eliza THOMAS | Of Full Age | Spinster
Residence at time of marriage, Best Street.
Fathers name, Ulysses THOMAS | Occupation of Father, Carpenter R.N. [Royal Navy]
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns by me G L NASH, Curate.
This marriage was solomnized between us Henry J W GIBSON Eliza THOMAS in the presence of us,
Ulysses THOMAS, Elizabeth Ann CHRISTOPHER.

Registration District, Medway.
Birth in the Sub-District of Gillingham in the County of Kent.
No 102 | When and Where Born, Eighth October 1837.
Name, Sarah Ann | Girl
Name of Father, Benjamin GIBSON.
Name of Mother, Mary GIBSON formerly PERRIN.
Occupation of Father, Shipwright ? ? ? Chatham.
Description of Informant, Benjamin GIBSON, Father, Rhode Street, Chatham.
When Registered, Fourth December. | Regsitrar, Thomas William BULLBROOK?

Parish Records for Saint Marys, Portsea, Hampshire. | Page 45.
Baptisms Solumnized in the Parish of Portsea in the County of Southampton in the Year 1813. | No 353.
When Baptised, 23 April 1813
Childs Christian Name, Eliza.
Parents Name, Ulysses THOMAS, Sarah THOMAS.
Abode, He. Ch. S Ratvezan | Profession, Carpenter of the Ratvezan.
By whom the Ceremony was performed, N. W. PARFECT?


St Marys, Portsea, Hampshire.
Baptisms | 26th Aug 1810 | Charles S [Son] of Ulysess and Sarah THOMAS



Children of John GIBSON & Elizabeth nee CHEETHAM
Mary Ann GIBSON bn 2nd Mar 1818 / Married John PEACE from Portsea Sep qtr 1840
Benjamin GIBSON | John GIBSON | Elizabeth GIBSON | Henry John William GIBSON, Ch 9th Jul 1809 | Hannah Louisa GIBSON, Ch 22 Mar 1818

2 Feb 1800 John GIBSON married Elizabeth CHEETHAM at Chatham Parish Church, Kent

19 Feb 1767 at St Luke, Old Street, Finsbury, London

Brother of Ulysses Archilles THOMAS

19 Feb 1767 St Maurice, Parish Church Plympton Erle, Devon


You go back via your mother Barbara Gibson - Charles Herbert Gibson - Henry Gibson - Henry John William Gibson - John Gibson and Elizabeth Cheetham - William Gibson and Elizabeth Holden - William Gibson and Susannah Knott -John Gibson (abt 1670 -1739 and Mary ? abt 1670 - 1733 Chatham) You are descended from a very long line of Shipwrights who built some very impressive ships at the Royal Naval Dockyard Chatham and associated yards. Some of the shipwrights moved to the Poplar area and continued shipbuilding there. Others stayed in Kent.
Our common ancestors are John Gibson and Mary in Chatham. Sadly that's where the records run out. A few years ago, Jean and I trawled the St. Mary's Chatham records for about six months collecting the Gibsons then we sorted them out by marriages and baptisms into families
I go back through two associated shipbuilding families the Gibsons and the Fielders. The Fielders were from Bucklers Hard in Hampshire and also drifted to Southampton and London to follow their crafts. Nelson's favourite ship the Agamemnon was built there. During the Peninsula Wars shipwrights were getting thirty shillings a week and agricultural labourers got sixpence a week for weeks worked and nothing if they didn't. Those employed in Royal Dockyards were pensionable. Many were able to buy properties and or became publicans and live fairly comfortably in retirement.
My paternal grandmother was the child of a Gibson + a Fielder and she goes back all the way to your John and Mary on her Gibson side. Jean's mother was a sister of my grandmother. We are second cousins and research together although we live miles apart. Collecting the Gibsons was our biggest ordeal. I note that you have a copy of the marriage of John Gibson and Elizabeth Cheetham, that will give you some idea of the horrors of transcription all done long before anything was online. You also have a copy of a baptism of the first Elizabeth Gibson daughter of John Gibson and Elizabeth Cheetham (bap 30 Aug 1807) she was buried 7 May 1809 and second Elizabeth was born 8 August 1811 bap 1 September 1811 St. Mary's Chatham.