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ARMISTEAD July 23 in her 75th year, Jane Elizabeth (nee Dinsdale), lately resident, Apperley Bridge and Brroklands, Manchester, widow of William ARMISTEAD, of Long Preston - Cremated quietly Scholemoor, Bradford, July 25

Jun Qtr 1950 Marriage in Claro, West Yorkshire
Marriage of Graham G HUTCHINSON to Elizabeth M (aka Betty) ARMISTEAD who was the daughter of Burnie ARMISTEAD & Peggy nee MILNES
Left to right:
Unknown Bridesmaid | Unknown man (top) | Mrs HUTCHINSON | Graham G HUTCHINSON | Betty ARMISTEAD | Peggy ARMISTEAD nee MILNES | Burnie ARMISTEAD | Sally ARMISTEAD (Betty's sister)
Three children at front: Unknown Pageboy | Bridesmaid Joey MILNES | Bridesmaid Penny MILNES | (The two girls are daughter's of Peggy's brother Harold T MILNES and Jessy S nee GOMERSALL Married Sep Qtr 1939)

October 1942 John Richard ARMISTEAD Son of James Henry ARMISTEAD & Claire HURRIE

Circa 1937 Jean ARMISTEAD at Manor House, Asquith. (Presuming Jean to be born in 1924 and to be 13 yrs old.)

1934 (Presuming these to be Burnie and Peggy ARMISTEAD's children and that Betty was born soon after they were married.)
Michael and Betty ARMISTEAD.

Circa 1933 (Presuming John Cockshott ARMISTEAD to be 30 yrs old.)
John Cockshott ARMISTEAD, George FITTON, Hannah Margaret ARMISTEAD, Henry Elsworth ARMISTEAD, ? ?

Circa 1933 (Presuming John Cockshott ARMISTEAD to be 30 yrs old.)

Circa 1926 (Presuming Burnie ARMISTEAD to be 35 yrs old.)
This photo is unmarked I am assuming it to be Richard Bernard aka Burnie ARMISTEAD Born 1892. He married Peggy MILNES in the third quarter 1924 in Bradford.
He was a surveyor and architect and high ranking in the Territorial Army within the Home Guard. Sir Donald HORSFALL who owned a big textiles company, reported to Burnie In the 2WW.
The basic organisation of the Home Guard was on county lines split into geographical areas each with companies of men broken up into squads from the various villages and towns. Colonel Richard Burnie Armistead M.C.,T.D. for Harrogate District, was one of four commanders in Yorkshire.
Colonel Armistead was a qualified architect with a practise in Bradford. He became an exponent of the Art Deco style and was responsible for several lovely homes in the area, his best known being White Lodge, in Hookstone Road, Harrogate. Both he and his brothers served in the First World War. He lived at 22 Park Parade, Harrogate. His area of command was organised into areas for defence around the town using volunteers from each point of the compass.

Circa 1925 Peggy ARMISTEAD nee MILNES with baby, married to Burnie ARMISTEAD.

Circa 1924 (Presuming Jim ARMISTEAD to be 32 yrs.) James Henry aka Jim ARMISTEAD Born 1892
Married Claire HURRIE in the first quarter 1920 at St Martins, London.
Jim ARMISTEAD was influential in getting FW DELVES job at F+H Foster Ltd as the FOSTER's and ARMISTEAD's were family friends.
Jim ARMISTEAD was chairman of the West Riding County Council, he was a solicitor and one of his clients was W+H FOSTER Ltd. The ARMISTEAD family owned property in Bradford and Uncle Robin believes W+H FOSTERS rented some offices from them which were situated next to the Bradford Wool Exchange.

11 Aug 1924 Sarah Ann Elizabeth Townsend ARMISTEAD, Richard's wife died at Wells House, Ilkley of Hemiplegia.

Circa 1923 John ARMISTEAD who was later to be ER DELVES godfather. Son of Jim & Claire ARMISTEAD.

Circa 1921 Claire ARMISTEAD nee HURRIE wife of Jim ARMISTEAD with John their son.

1919 Claire HURRIE before she married Jim ARMISTEAD

The death took place on Monday at Wells House, Ilkley, in his sixty-fifth year, of Mr. Richard Armistead, the well-known civil engineer, of Bradford, and formerly of Bingley.
Born at Long Preston, Mr. Armistead learnt his business with Messrs. Smith & Gotthardt, land agents, surveyors and valuers, of Bradford. At the beginning of 1878, when quite a young man, he was appointed surveyor to the Bingley Improvement Commissioners, and later became clerk also to the authority, and he held the position until 1898, the year when Wilsden and the Bingley outer district were added to Bingley.
The twenty years he occupied the post were an important period in the development of Bingley, witnessing, among other things, the improvement of the Main Street, the provission of the Technical School, the Cottage Hospital, and the new railway station, and the taking over of the Mechanics' Institute in Main Street and its conversion to public uses.
When he retired from the office there was a public presentation of silver plate made to him in appreciation of his services to the town.
For many years before giving up his public office his reputation as a surveyor and civil engineer of ability had been increasing and extending, and he subsequently centered his business activities at Bradford, with offices in Booth Street. He had considerable practise as an expert witness in arbitration cases, and often appeared in such cases in which the Bradford Corporation were concerned.
Mr. Armistead leaves a widow and two sons. There were three sons of the marriage, all of whom have seen service in the war. The youngest son, Second Lieutenant Tom Armistead, was reported missing in 1917, and is presumed to have died, no news of him having since been received. The other two sons have now been demobilised.
The funeral took place at Undercliffe Cemetary yesterday. A service was conducted by the Rev. Dr. F.S. Guy Warman (Vicar of Bradford) at the Parish Church, Mr. H. Coates presiding at the organ.
The principal mourners were Mrs. Armistead (widow), Mr. R.B. Armistead,and Mr. J.H. Armistead (sons), Mrs Delvis (sister), Mr. Delvis (nephew), Miss Delvis (niece), and Mrs. W. Armistead (sister-in-law).
Among those present were Messrs. F. Robinson, B.D. Fairbank, William Illingworth, Wheater Smith, W. Prest, and A.T. Smith, Bradford Society of Architects and Surveyors), and Messrs. J.H. Hanson (Huddersfield), E.J. Silkcock (Leeds), S Shaw (Dewsbury), and J. Young (Bradford), Yorkshire and North of England Surveyors' Association; Mr. W. Pickering, Mr. W. Waud (Ilkley), Mr. R.E. Weatherhead, Mr. J. Dale, and Mr. Sydney Kellett (Ilkley).
Others attending were Mr. W.E. Sharp, Mr J.L. Booth, Mr. J. Greaves, Mr. Charles D. Swale, (representing Mr Robert Feather), Mr. E.A. Wells, Mr. W.W. Ryecroft, Mr. H. Sutcliffe, Mr. R. Brooke, Mr. Cecil Mossman, Mr. Arthur Middleton, Mr. Leonard Middleton, Mr. W. Priestman, Colonel Hastings, Mr. R. Harrison (Shipley), Mr. J.T. Hemingway (Ilkley), Mr. F. Holtzman, Mrs W.T. Butterfield, Mr. G.G. Thompson, Mr. G.A. Jackson, Mr. F.H. Hill, Mr. A.T. Parkinson, Mr. J. Briggs, Mr. E. Priestley, Mr. Charles Platts, Mr. Henry Platts, and Miss Amy Platts (Bingley) Brown, Muff & Co., Ltd., were the undertakers.

A Sad Coincidence
It was a sad coincidence, and one which came with a shock to many in Bingley because of its unexpectedness, that his predecessor in the office of clerk to the Council, Mr Richard Armistead, should die three days later. His absence from the funeral of Mr Platts was noted by some, and the reason for it was asked among them, but it was not until the morning following that they learnt of it. Mr Armistead too had played a notable part in the local government of Bingley, and much was accomplished during the twenty years he held office, first under the Bingley Improvement Commissioners and latterly under the District Council, the successors to the Commissioners. He came to Bingley in 1878 as surveyor, a young man, but one who quickly made good and early displayed the abilities which ultimately brought him to a high position in his profession. At first surveyor only, in a few years he combined with that post the office of clerk to the authority. It was as mentioned, a busy period in the development of Bingley, for it witnessed the improvement of Main Street from Park Road downwards, the negotiations and arrangements which led to the erection of the present railway station, and the taking over of the Mechanics' Institute for public purposes and the establishment there of the free library and the public baths. Many other things were also accomplished - there was the provision of the Cottage Hospital and the building of the Technical School and in all developments Mr. Armistead took his part.

Registration District, Wharfedale
1919 Death in the Sub-District of Ilkley in the County of York.
No 455 | When and Where Died, Twenty First April, Wells House Hotel, Ilkley, MD
Name; Richard ARMISTEAD | Male | 64 years | Profession, Surveyor and Valuer
Cause of Death, (1) Broncho Pneumonia, (2) Influenza, Certified by Henry VEALE MRCS
Description of Informant, JH ARMISTEAD, Son, Present at the death, Wells House Hotel, Ilkley
When Registered, Twenty Third April 1919 | Registrar; Harold KABERRY

Newspaper Article published in 2014 about the death of Tom ARMISTEAD


Lieutenant Tom Elsworth ARMISTEAD MC Obituary - Copied from the 'Lancing College War Memorial' website:
2/6th Battalion (Prince of Wales’ Own) West Yorkshire Regiment (TF)
Date of birth: 12th February 1895 | Date of death: 3rd May 1917
Killed in action aged 22 | Commemorated on the Arras Memorial Bay 4
Tom Elsworth Armistead was born at Bingley in Yorkshire on the 12th of February 1895 the third son of Richard Armistead, a civil engineer and surveyor, and Sarah 'Sally' Ann Eliza Townsend (nee Walker) Armistead of Wells House, Ilkley in Yorkshire.
He was educated at Ripon Grammar School and at Lancing College where he was in News House from January 1909 and Olds House from January 1909 to July 1913.
He was a Sergeant in the Officer Training Corps, was in the Football XI in 1911/12 and was appointed as a House Captain in 1912. He was a member of the Swimming Team in 1913 and was appointed as a Prefect the same year. He played later rugby for Ilkley Rugby Football Club.
He was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the West Yorkshire Regiment on the 10th of September 1914. He was promoted to Temporary Captain while in charge of a Company on the 1st of August 1916.
He was awarded the Military Cross in the King’s New Years Honour List of the 1st of January 1917.
At 2.10 am on the morning of the 3rd of May 1917 the men of the 2/6th Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment met the guides who were to lead them into the front line trenches for an attack later that morning.
Their task, in conjunction with other battalions from their Brigade, was the attack on a section of the Hindenburg Line including the capture of the village of Bullecourt, the capture of Hendecourt and the formation of a defensive flank from Hendecourt to the Hindenburg Line. The 2/6th West Yorks were tasked with entering the German front line and bombing eastwards to link up with the Australians who would be working down the trench from their left. During this period the British artillery would cease fire for 27 minutes to enable the two attacking groups to complete their tasks.
They informed Brigade that they were in position at 3.15 am. At 3.30 am the German artillery put down a heavy barrage across No Man's Land which gradually spread down the line and at 3.45am the British artillery commenced their bombardment of the line to be attacked with the troops moving forward at the same time.
The West Yorks advanced in four waves but soon lost direction due to the smoke from the barrage and were hampered by the hail of rifle and machine gun bullets which were sweeping No Man's Land. On the right of the attack, A Company attempted to correct their direction but very few of them made the enemy wire and those that that managed to get into the trench were killed or captured by a German counterattack.
B Company suffered a similar fate, most being killed, wounded or captured. As a result no link with the Australians was possible. C Company, on the left, were more successful and occupied a trench in front of Bullecourt but were counterattacked, ran out of bombs, and were forced to withdraw. D Company managed to get as far as the village church but as their path of retreat was cut off, little information is known as to their fate. At the end of the attack the roughly 100 survivors of the battalion fell back to their original positions.
Following his death probate was granted at a hearing in Wakefield on the 9th of October 1919 and he left £1,409 to his mother in his will.
The screen which forms the entrance to the war memorial cloister at Lancing College was given in his memory by his two brothers, Colonel Richard Burnie Armistead MC, 6th Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment and Captain James Henry Armistead OL (Heads House 1908-1911), 5th Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment.

Circa 1914 Jim ARMISTEAD

Circa 1914 Burnie ARMISTEAD

Circa 1914 Tom ARMISTEAD


Circa 1913 The Boat House, Foulbridge, Colne, Lancashire, owned by Richard ARMISTEAD. (I assume these photos were taken before the 1WW. Maybe the figure in the boat with the two dogs and child is Richard ARMISTEAD. He died 21 Apr 1919 just after the end of the war. Uncle Robin DELVES says that FW DELVES lived at the Boat House for a while and called it 'Old Ebbies' possibly as a play on ebb and flow. The ARMISTEAD family later sold it to the family of Roger BANNISTER of four minute mile fame.

Circa 1912 Burnie ARMISTEAD

Circa 1912 Jim ARMISTEAD

Circa 1912 Tom ARMISTEAD (Presuming Burnie to be 21 yrs, Jim to be 20 yrs and Tom to be 17 yrs old.)
Children of Richard and Sally ARMISTEAD. The names were handwritten underneath each photograph in the Green Leather bound book. The photos look as if they were taken at the same time.

Circa 1910 (Presuming Richard ARMISTEAD to be 55 yrs old.)

1910 (Presuming Henry to be 6 yrs old) Children of William & Jane ARMISTEAD
John Cockshott ARMISTEAD, Hannah Margaret, Henry

Circa 1908 (Presuming John Cockshott ARMISTEAD to be 5 yrs old.) Poplar House
Henry Elsworth ARMISTEAD, Jane Elizabeth ARMISTEAD nee DINSDALE, John Cockshott ARMISTEAD, Hannah DINSDALE nee MOORE, Hannah Margaret ARMISTEAD

Cause of Death; Cirrhosis of the Liver, Cardiac failure, Certified by J MACKENZIE L.R.C.S.
Description of Informant; John KILBURN, Brother in Law, Present at the death, Hill Inn, Ingleton.

Monumental Inscription for William ARMISTEAD and his wife Jane Elizabeth at the Long Preston Parish Church


1901 Marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of Prestwich in the County of Lancaster.
No 200 | When and where married, June 20th 1901
John Potterton FURGUSON | 46 yrs | Widower
Profession, Physician | Residence, Long Preston, Yorkshire.
Father's name, David Magill FURGUSON (deceased) | Profession of father, Physician
Rachel Emily WRATHALL | 31 yrs | Spinster
Residence, Arncliffe, Prestwich
Father's name, Thomas WRATHALL (deceased) | Profession of father, Gentleman.
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church by Licence, by me CW Cyprian FLOYD (Curate)
This marriage was solemnized between us, John Potterton FURGUSON, Rachel Emily WRATHALL.
In the presence of us, John RYLE, Eli MARTIN

Circa 1901 Jane Elizabeth DINSDALE possibly a marriage photo.

1901 Marriage solemnized at Parish Church, Chapel-le-Dale, in the Parish Chapel-le-Dale in the County of York
No 155 | When Married, 17 April 1901
William ARMISTEAD | 49 yrs | Bachelor | Occupation, Gentleman
Residence at time of Marriage, Long Preston
Father's name; Thomas ARMISTEAD | Profession of Father; Yeoman.
Jane Elizabeth DINSDALE | 24 yrs | Spinster
Residence at time of Marriage, Chapel-le-Dale
Fathers name, John Swinbank DINSDALE | Profession of Father; Farmer.
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns by me, J N WILLIAMS.
This Marriage was solemnized between us, William ARMISTEAD, Jane Elizabeth DINSDALE.
In the presence of us, Mary Ann DELVES, Clement BREWIN, Mary METCALF, Augustus DINSDALE

RG13 | Piece 4022 | Folio 6 | Page 4
Main St., Long Preston, Yorkshire.
Thomas ARMISTEAD | Head | Widower | 79 yrs | Occupation, Living on own means | Born, Long Preston
William ARMISTEAD | Son | Single | 49 yrs | Occupation, Bacon Merchant, Own Acc | Born, Rathmell, Yorkshire.
Annie BLACKBURN | Housekeeper | Single | 46 yrs | Occupation, Housekeeper (Domestic) | Born, Almondbury, Yorkshire

Census date 31 Mar 1901
RG13 | Piece 4020 | Folio 96 | Page 2
Hill Inn, Chapel-le-Dale, Nr. Ingleton, Yorkshire.

Tom KILBURN | Head | Married | 33 yrs | Occupation; Innkeeper & Farmer | Employer | Born; Ingleton, Yorkshire.
Isabel E. KILBURN | Wife | Married | 28 yrs | Occupation; Pub | Employer | Born; Horton in Ribbensdale, Yorkshire.
Ethel M. KILBURN | Daughter | Single | 3 yrs | Born; Chapel le Dale, Yorkshire.
John D. KILBURN | Son | Single | 2 Months | Born; Chapel le Dale, Yorkshire.
Jane E. DINSDALE | Servant | Single | 24 yrs | Occupation; Housemaid (Domestic) | Born; Horton in Ribbensdale, Yorkshire.
John AKRIGG | Servant | Single | 16 yrs | Occupation; Ordinary Agricultural Labourer | Worker | Born; Chapel le Dale, Yorkshire.

RG13 | Piece | 4022 | Folio 18 | Page 9
Armistead Fold, Long Preston, Yorkshire.

Catherine BRENNAND | Head | Single | 42 yrs
Occupation; Dress Maker | Born; Long Preston, Yorkshire.

RG13 | Piece 4071 | Folio 73 | Page 4
Ferndene, Micklethwaite, Bingley, Yorkshire.

Richard ARMISTEAD | Head | 46 yrs
Occupation, Civil Engineer & Surveyor, Employer | Born, Rothwell, Yorkshire.
Sallie ARMISTEAD | Wife | 42 yrs | Born, Bradford, Yorkshire.
Richard Burnie ARMISTEAD | Son | 10 yrs | Born, Bingley, Yorkshire.
James Henry ARMISTEAD | Son | 9 yrs | Born, Bingley, Yorkshire.
John Elsworth ARMISTEAD | Son | 6 yrs | Born, Bingley, Yorkshire.
Ethel Watson | Servant | 13 yrs | Housemaid Domestic | Born, Bingley, Yorkshire.

Circa 1900 Three sons of Richard ARMISTEAD and Sarah Ann Elizabeth Townsend ARMISTEAD nee WALKER aka Sally. (Presuming Tom to be 5 yrs, Richard to be 9 yrs, and James to be 8 yrs old)

Circa 1900 Mary, Thomas ARMISTEAD, Mary Ann DELVES nee ARMISTEAD, Frederick. (Presuming FW to be four years old)
Thomas Armistead died 14 Nov 1902. His daughter Mary Ann DELVES and her children Mary & Fred William
Taken in the front garden by one of the 2 "monkey trees" at Poplar House, Long Preston where Margaret, John & Henry were born, to William and Jane Armistead

Circa 1897 Richard ARMISTEAD (Presuming Richard ARMISTEAD to be 42 yrs old.)

1895 William ARMISTEAD at the age of 43 yrs

1895 Ferndene, Park Road, Bingley, Yorkshire. (Presuming Tom Elsworth to be less than one year old)
Richard ARMISTEAD - 40 yrs old | Sallie ARMISTEAD nee WALKER Born 15 Dec 1857 Died 11 Aug 1924 | Children, Richard Bernard aka Burnie Born 1891 | James Henry aka Jim Born 1892 | Tom Elsworth Born 1895 Died 3 May 1917 in the 1st World War

1895 Burnie & Jim (Presuming Burnie to be 4 yrs and Jim to be 3 yrs old.)

Circa 1895 (Presuming John WRATHALL to be 41 yrs and Richard ARMISTEAD to be 40 yrs old.)
John WRATHALL is cousin to Richard and William. Their mothers, Margaret ARMISTEAD nee ELSWORTH and Catherine WRATHALL nee ELSWORTH were sisters.
John KILBURN married Isabella Ellen DINSDALE 1st Qtr 1897 in Settle district. Isabella sister to Jane Elizabeth DINSDALE who married William ARMISTEAD 17th Apr 1901

2005 Bend Gate (Yate)
The strangely shaped stones are still in position on the outside wall. These stones are in the background of some of the early photos at Bend Gate
Anne BANKART writes I found that the Bendgate farm has the initials T&J.C over the back door, together with a date of 1835. The present owners of the farm did not know to whom the initials belonged but I reckon that they would have been put there by Thomas Cockshott when he moved with his wife Jane from Deepdale Head.

Circa 1894 Bend Yate Farm (Presuming Richard Law WRATHALL to be 3 yrs) Thomas WRATHALL and his wife Catherine WRATHALL nee ELSWORTH in doorway at Bend Yate with their grandson Richard Law WRATHALL.

Circa 1894 Bend Yate Farm, top left window probably either Annie DELVES nee WRATHALL or Emily Jane WRATHALL nee WATSON
Catherine WRATHALL nee ELSWORTH elderly lady left of front garden, John WRATHALL in doorway with his son Richard Law WRATHALL born 26 Feb 1891.(Presuming Richard Law WRATHALL to be 3 yrs, John WRATHALL to be 40 yrs.

RG12 | Piece 3494 | Folio 13 | Page 1 | Bend Yate, Long Preston, Yorkshire
Thomas WRATHALL | Head | 69 yrs | Married | Occupation, Farmer | Neither employer nor employed | Born, Long Preston
Catherine WRATHALL | Wife | Married | 62 yrs | Born, Long Preston
Jane WRATHALL | Daughter | Single | 25 yrs | Born, Long Preston
Rachel E WRATHALL | Daughter | Single | 22 yrs | Born, Long Preston
Catherine M WRATHALL | Daughter | Single | 18 yrs | Born, Long Preston

1891 Sallie ARMISTEAD with baby. (Presuming the baby to be the first born, Richard Bernard ARMISTEAD, Born Feb 1890)

RG12 | Piece 3271 | Folio 65 | Page 4
Fairfax Road, Prestwich, Lancashire
John Thos HORROCKS | Head | Married | 37 yrs | Occupation, Bank Cashier | Born, Bury, Lancashire
Margaret HORROCKS | Wife | Married | 35 yrs | Born, Long Preston, Yorkshire.
Harold Wrathall HORROCKS | Son | Unmarried | 11 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Prestwich, Lancashire
Mary Ann ARMISTEAD | Visitor | Single | 32 yrs | Occupation, Living on own means | Born, Long Preston, Yorkshire.
[Mary Ann ARMISTEAD visiting her cousin Margaret HORROCKS nee WRATHALL]

Census date 5 Apr 1891
RG12 | Piece 3534 | Folio 60 | Page 11
Ferndene, Micklethwaite, Bingley, Yorkshire.
Richard ARMISTEAD | Head | Married | 36 yrs | Occupation, Architect & Surveyor, Employed | Born, Long Preston, Yorkshire.
Sally ARMISTEAD | Wife | Married | 32 yrs | Born, Bradford, Yorkshire.
Richard B. ARMISTEAD | Son | 10 months | Born, Bingley, Yorkshire.
Elizabeth BURRELL | Servant | Single | 14 yrs | Occupation, Domestic Servant General | Born, Darlington, Durham.
Edith WILD | Servant | Single | 14 yrs | Occupation, Domestic Servant Nurse | Born, Darlington, Durham.

Enumeration District Number 1 | No on Schedule 43
Main Road, Long Preston, Yorkshire.
Thomas ARMISTEAD | Head | 69 yrs | Married | Occupation, Retired Farmer
Margaret ARMISTEAD | Wife | Married | 62 yrs
William ARMISTEAD | Son | Single | 39 yrs | Occupation, Ironmonger | Neither Employer or Employed

RG12 | Piece 3494 | Folio 17 | Page 10
Long Preston, Yorkshire.
John ARMISTEAD | Head | Married | 62 yrs | Occupation, Retired Farmer | Born; Long Preston, Yorkshire.
Jane ARMISTEAD | Wife | Married | 64 yrs | Born; Long Preston, Yorkshire.
[Next door but one]
Richard ARMISTEAD | Head | Single | 72 yrs | Occupation; Retired Butcher | Born; Long Preston, Yorkshire.
Margaret BRENNAND | Sister | Widow | 65 yrs | Occupation; Housekeeper | Born; Long Preston, Yorkshire.
Catherine BRENNAND | Niece | Single | 32 yrs | Occupation; Dressmaker | Employer | Born; Long Preston, Yorkshire.
John KNOWLES | Nephew | 4 yrs | Visitor | Born; Malham, Yorkshire.
[In the 1881 Census Margaret Brennand was Head of House.]



Circa 1891 Long Preston Baptist Chapel. There is no date on this photo, Mary Ann ARMISTEAD and Edward DELVES married here 17 Jun 1891
Family memories were that the chapel was was built by Thomas ARMISTEAD, Mary Ann ARMISTEAD's father, but the chapel is recorded as built in 1833 when Thomas would have been 11 years old. Maybe it was built by his father John who would bhave been forty two at that time. The chapel was demolished in 1946.

Cause of death, Cirrhosis of Liver 5 Years, Acute Cerebral Hyperaemia 2 days Coma 24 hours. Certified by J.M. LAZEMBY M.R.B.S.

Birth in the Sub-district of Kirkby Malham
No. 225 | Twenty Sixth February 1891, Skellands, Scosthorp R.S.D.
Richard Law WRATHALL | Boy
Name of Father, John WRATHALL | Occupation, Farmer
Name of mother, Emily Jane WRATHALL formerly WATSON
Name of Informant, John WRATHALL Father Skellands, Scosthop.
When registered, Third April 1891 | Registrar, Stephen Clark


Cause of Death, Acute Obstruction Abdominal Section 4 days, Certified by T.R. Jessop F.R.C.S


Circa 1887
Undated photo of the 'Eagle Hotel' in the Green Book. This pub and hotel was called 'The Maypole' both before and after having it's name changed to 'Eagle Hotel'. The hanging flags would indicate an occassion, it could possibly be Queen Victoria's golden jubillee which was in 1887.

Marriage of Richard ARMISTEAD to Sarah Ann Elizabeth Townsend WALKER aka Sally
Registration District Bradford
1886 Marriage solemnized in the Parish Church in the Parisd of Bradford in the County of Yorkshire.
No 224 | When Married, Seventeenth February 1886.
Richard ARMISTEAD | 30 yrs | Bachelor
Profession, Land surveyor | Residence, 15, Park Road, Bingley
Fathers name, Thomas ARMISTEAD | Profession of Father, Farmer (retired)
Sarah Ann Eliza Townsend WALKER | 28 yrs | Spinster
Residence, 22, Hallfield Road, Bradford
Fathers name, James WALKER | Profession of Father, Warpsizer
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns by me, Joseph BARDELEY.
This marriage was solemnized between us, Richard ARMISTEAD, Sarah A.E.T. WALKER.
In the Presence of us | William ARMISTEAD, Martha BEUNLAND, Margaret MUSGESISE?

Circa 1885 (Presuming William ARMISTEAD to be to be 33 yrs, Catherine ARMISTEAD to be 24 yrs.)
Annie DELVES nee WRATHALL top left, William ARMISTEAD, Mystery top right
Possibly Catherine WRATHALL nee ELSWORTH the older lady bottom left. Probably Catherine ARMISTEAD bottom right.

Circa 1885 (Presuming Catherine ARMISTEAD to be 24 yrs.)
Catherine is on the right of the picture. She has a walking stick

Circa 1884 (Presuming Mary Ann ARMISTEAD to be to be 28 yrs.)
Assuming this is Mary Ann and her mother Margaret ARMISTEAD nee ELSWORTH but is could also easily be Mary-Ann's cousin Annie DELVES nee WRATHALL and her mother Catherine WRATHALL nee ELSWORTH

Circa 1884 (Presuming Mary Ann ARMISTEAD to be to be 25 yrs, William ARMISTEAD to be 32 yrs, Richard ARMISTEAD to be 29 yrs.)
(From left : William ARMISTEAD, Mary Ann ARMISTEAD, Unknown woman, Richard ARMISTEAD, Probably Sarah ARMISTEAD nee WALKER

Circa 1883 Catherine ARMISTEAD with stick, Unknown standing man, William ARMISTEAD, Unknown lady, Mary Ann ARMISTEAD standing, Unknown seated man with beard

Circa 1883 Three photos in the 'Green Book'. They are probably taken in Long Preston.
The lady in the middle at the front could be Mary Ann ARMISTEAD

Marriage of Thomas Hirst DELVES to Annie WRATHALL:-
Registration District, Settle
1883 Marriage solemnized in the Parish Church in the Parish of Long Preston in the County of York
No, 348 | When and where married, October 10th 1883
Thomas Hirst DELVES | Of full age | Bachelor | Profession, Yeoman | Residence, Long Preston
Father's name, George DELVES | Profession of father, Yeoman
Anne WRATHALL | Of full age | Spinster | Residence, Bend Yate
Father's name, Thomas WRATHALL | Profession of father, Yeoman.
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church by me J E Coulson, Vicar.
This marriage was solemnized between us, Thomas Hirst DELVES, Anne WRATHALL
In the presence of us, Agnes DELVES, John WRATHALL

1883 Bend Yate (Presuming Annie WRATHALL to be 25 yrs, Thomas Hirst DELVES to be 28 yrs, John WRATHALL to be 29 yrs, Mary Ann ARMISTEAD to be 24 yrs.)
Annie DELVES nee WRATHALL, Thomas Hirst DELVES, a WRATHALL sister (one of Annie's three surviving younger sisters), John WRATHALL, Mary Ann ARMISTEAD
Annie WRATHELL Born 26 Oct 1858 in Long Preston. Died 17 May 1930 in Long Preston. She married Thomas Hirst DELVES 10 Oct 1883 in Long Preston Church

Circa 1883 Thomas and Margaret ARMISTEAD Poplar House, Long Preston. (Presuming photo taken at same time as pictures above as the 'Monkey Puzzle' tree looks same height.)

Circa 1883 Thomas and Margaret ARMISTEAD Poplar House, Long Preston. (Presuming photo taken at same time as pictures above)

1883 Poplar House. (Presuming Catherine to be 22 yrs.)

Circa 1883 Poplar House. (Presuming Mary Ann to be 24 yrs old, Catherine to be 22 yrs.)

RG11 4299 Folio 8 Page 7 | Eagle Hotel, Long Preston, Yorkshire.
[There were over 45 people in the 1881 census at 'The Eagle Hotel']
Thomas ARMISTEAD | Head | 59 yrs | Married | Occupation, Retired Farmer | Born Long Preston
Margaret ARMISTEAD | Wife | Married | 53 yrs | Born Austwick
William ARMISTEAD | Son | Unmarried | 29 yrs | Occupation, Ironmonger | Born Giggleswick
Richard ARMISTEAD | Son | Unmarried | 26 yrs | Occupation, Land Surveyor | Born Giggleswick
Mary A. ARMISTEAD | Daughter | Unmarried | 22 yrs | Born Giggleswick

RG11 | Piece 4299 | Folio 19 | Page 10
Long Preston, Yorkshire.
Margaret BRENNAND | Head | Widowed | 55 yrs | Occupation, Dressmaker | Born, Long Preston
Mary A. BRENNAND | Daughter | Unmarried | 24 yrs | Occupation, Dressmaker | Born, Long Preston
Catherine BRENNAND | Daughter | Unmarried | 22 yrs | Occupation, Dressmaker | Born, Long Preston
Richard ARMISTEAD | Brother | Unmarried | 63 yrs | Occupation, Butcher | Born, Long Preston
[Next door but one]
John ARMISTEAD | Head | Married | 52 yrs | Occupation; Farmer Of 70 Acres | Born; Long Preston, Yorkshire.
Isabell A. ARMISTEAD | Daughter | Unmarried | 20 yrs | Occupation; Farmer Daughter | Born; Kirkby Malham, Yorkshire.
Ann PULMAN | Sister In Law | Unmarried | 56 yrs | Occupation; Annuitant | Born; Long Preston, Yorkshire.

Circa 1880 (Presuming Isabella Ann AKA Belle ARMISTEAD to be 19 yrs, Mary Ann to be 21 yrs, William ARMISTEAD to be to be 28 yrs.)

1880 (Presuming Isabella ARMISTEAD to be 19 yrs)
There is no information on this photo. I have no proof of how these people are but I believe them to be:-
Isabella ARMISTEAD Born 13 Jan 1861, mystery woman, Jane ARMISTEAD nee PULMAN (2nd wife of John ARMISTEAD), John ARMISTEAD bn 19 Feb 1829
John ARMISTEAD was the Thomas's younger brother by seven years. Belle was Richard, William and Mary-Ann's cousin.

Circa 1880 Mary Ann ARMISTEAD (Presuming her to be 21 yrs)

Circa 1877 Mary Ann ARMISTEAD Born 3 Mar 1859 Died 16 Aug 1949 (Presuming her to be 18 yrs old)
Photo owned by Ann BANKART


Circa 1875 William ARMISTEAD Born 21 Mar 1852 Died 17 Jun 1905 (Presuming him to be 23 yrs old)

1875 Circa Richard ARMISTEAD Born 1855 Died 21 Apr 1919 (Presuming him to be 20 yrs old)

Circa 1875 Mary Ann ARMISTEAD Born 3 Mar 1859 Died 16 Aug 1949 (Presuming her to be 16 yrs old)



1873 Death in the District of Long Preston in the County of York
No 491 | When and where died, Seventeenth October 1873, Bend Yate, Long Preston.
Mary ELSWORTH | Female | 81 yrs
Occupation, Widow of John ELSWORTH a Farmer
Cause of Death, Exhaustion from old age. No medical Attendant
Description of Informant, Thomas WRATHALL, Present at Death, Bend Yate, Long Preston.
Registered, Twenty First October 1873. | Registrar, William GIFFORD.

RG10 | Piece 4256 | Page 8 | Long Preston, Yorkshire.
Thomas ARMISTEAD | Head | Married | 49 yrs | Occupation, Landowner | Born, Long Preston, Yorkshire.
Margaret ARMISTEAD | Wife | Married | 43 yrs | Born, Austwick, Yorkshire.
Richard ARMISTEAD | Son | Unmarried | 16 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Rathmell, Yorkshire.
Mary A. ARMISTEAD | Daughter | 12 yrs | Born, Rathmell, Yorkshire.
Catherine ARMISTEAD | Daughter | 10 yrs | Born, Long Preston, Yorkshire.
Mary ELSWORTH | Mother-in-Law | 79 yrs | Occupation, Annuitant | Born, Wigglesworth, Yorkshire.
Margaret A. BROWN | Niece | 12 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Long Preston, Yorkshire.


Long Preston, Number on Schedule, 77 .
John ARMISTEAD | Head | Married | 42 yrs | Occupation, Farmer of 60 acres Emp 1 man | Born, Long Preston.
Jane ARMISTEAD | Wife | Married | 44 yrs | Born, Long Preston.
Isabella ARMISTEAD | Daughter | 10 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Malham, Yorkshire.
William H. READ | Servant | 13 yrs | Occupation, Farm Servant | Born, Hellifield, Yorkshire.

Long Preston, Number on Schedule, 51.
John ARMISTEAD | Head | Widower | 79 yrs | Occupation, Retired Farmer | Born, Long Preston.
Margaret BRENNAND | Daughter | Condition, ? | 45 yrs | Occupation, Housekeeper | Born, Long Preston.
Catherine BRENNAND | Grand daughter | 12 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Long Preston.
William DALE | Boarder | 8 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Malham, Yorkshire.
Catherine DALE | Boarder | 6 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Malham, Yorkshire.

RG10 | Piece 4256 | Folio 13 | Page 1 | Bend Yate, Long Preston, Yorkshire.
Thomas WRATHALL | Head | Married | 49 yrs | Occupation, Farmer of 112 acres | Born, Giggleswick.
Catherine WRATHALL | Wife | Married | 42 yrs | Occupation, Farmers Wife | Born, Austwick.
John WRATHALL | Son | Unmarried | 17 yrs | Occupation, Farmers Son | Born, Long Preston.
Margaret WRATHALL | Daughter | Unmarried | 15 yrs | Occupation, Farmers Daughter | Born, Long Preston.
Ann WRATHALL | Daughter | Unmarried | 12 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Long Preston.
Mary E WRATHALL | Daughter | 8 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Long Preston.
Jane WRATHALL | Daughter | 5 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Long Preston.
Rachel E WRATHALL | Daughter | 2 yrs | Born, Long Preston.
Elizabeth ROBERTS | Servant | Unmarried | 17 yrs | Occupation, Domestic Servant | Born, Grindleton, Yorkshire.

Circa 1868 Probably Thomas ARMISTEAD would be 46 years old
Painting owned by Daniel FLETCHER | Quote from a letter to John DELVES from Roz TIMPERLY dated 8th Dec 2002
The tree also let me name a family portrait that brother Dan gave me recently. He got it from our Uncle John who said it was Great Grandfather Armistead. From the date, which is 1888 (or possibly 1868 - it needs cleaning!), I guess this must be Tom Armistead - our mutual ancestor - of the Eagle Hotel, Long Preston, who would be about the right age, and not Richard (my great-grandfather) who looked quite different - I have a photo.

Circa 1864 (Presuming Margaret to be 38 yrs old and Catherine to be 36 years old)
ELSWORTH Sisters. | Catherine WRATHALL nee ELSWORTH, born 28 Nov 1828 in Austwick, died 19 Mar 1899 in Long Preston.

Circa 1864 Catherine WRATHALL nee ELSWORTH

Circa 1864 Catherine WRATHALL nee ELSWORTH, born 28 Nov 1828 in Austwick, died 19 Mar 1899 in Long Preston. (Presuming Catherine to be 36 years old)

Circa 1864 Thomas WRATHALL born 1822 in Giggleswick died 26 Feb 1897 in Long Preston. (Presuming Thomas to be 42 years old)

1863 Death in the District of Long Preston in the County of York
No 294 | When and where died, Fourteenth October 1863, Long Preston.
John ELSWORTH | Male | 71 yrs
Occupation, Farmer
Cause of Death, Exhaustion from old age. No medical Attendant
Description of Informant, Thomas WRATHALL, Present at Death, Bend Yate, Long Preston.
Registered, Seventeenth October 1863. | Registrar, William GIFFORD.

1863 - Thomas COCKSHOTT Probate
As I understand, in his Will Thomas Cockshott gave:-

Memorial Inscription Thomas & Jane COCKSHOTT
Baptist Chapel, Long Preston, Yorkshire | Plot C 1.
In Memory of THOMAS COCKSHOTT of BEND YATE who died Febr 22nd 1863 aged 72 years.
"Mark the perfect man and behold the upright for the end of that man is peace". | Psm XXXVII. XXXVII
Also JANE ANN widow of the above who died March 31st 1874 aged 62 years. | Her end was peace

1863 Death in the Sub-District of Long Preston in the County of York
No 281 | When and where died, Twenty second February 1863, Bend Yate, Long Preston.
Thomas COCKSHOTT | Male | 72 yrs | Occupation, Landed Proprietor
Cause of Death, Disease of the Prostate gland and Bladder 13 months Certified.
Description of Informant, Thomas ARMISTEAD, Present at Death, Long Preston.
Registered, Twenty Fourth February 1863. | Registrar, William GIFFORD

1861_Census_Old_Ing.pdf (Farm owned by William and his son Thomas COCKSHOTT, Old Ing was also in the story 'Some Incidents in the lives of John & Mary Elsworth')
RG09 | Piece 3178 | Folio 133 | Page 1 | Old Ing, High Birkwith, Horton in Ribblesdale, Settle, Yorkshire
John CRAGG | Head | Unmarried | 50 yrs | Occupation, Hind Of 313 Acres | Born, Horton Yorkshire.
Rose CRAGG | Sister | Unmarried | 41 yrs | Born, Kirkby Malham, Yorkshire.
John CRAGG | Nephew| 5 yrs | Born, Horton, Yorkshire.

RG 9 | Pice 3179 | Page 1 | Bend Gate Farm, Long Preston, Yorkshire.
Thomas COCKSHOTT | Head | Married | 70 yrs | Occupation, Yeoman | Born Yorkshire.
Jane A COCKSHOTT | Wife | Married | 49 yrs | Born Yorkshire.
Sarah BAINES | Servant | Unmarried | 18 yrs | Occupation, Domestic Servant | Born Yorkshire.
Margaret HOLGATE | Visitor | Unmarried | 39 yrs | Occupation, ? Maker | Born Yorkshire.

RG 9 | 3179 | Page 4 | 17, ?, Long Preston, Yorkshire.
Thomas WRATHALL | Head | Married | 39 yrs | Occupation, Farmer of 12 acres and Cattle Dealer | Born, Giggleswick, Yorkshire.
Catherine WRATHALL | Wife | Married | 32 yrs | Occupation, Wife | Born, Austwick, Yorkshire.
John WRATHALL | Son | 7 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Long Preston, Yorkshire.
Margaret WRATHALL | Daughter | 5 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Long Preston, Yorkshire.
Ann WRATHALL | Daughter | 2 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Long Preston, Yorkshire.

RG 9 | Piece 3179 | Page 5 | Long Preston, Yorkshire.
Thomas ARMISTEAD | Head | Married | 39 yrs | Occupation, Farmer of 62 Acres | Born, Long Preston, Yorkshire.
Margaret ARMISTEAD | Wife | Married | 33 yrs | Occupation, Farmers Wife | Born, Clapham, Yorkshire.
William ARMISTEAD | Son | 9 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Giggleswick, Yorkshire.
Richard ARMISTEAD | Son | 6 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Giggleswick, Yorkshire.
Mary Ann ARMISTEAD | Daughter | 2 yrs | Occupation, Scholar | Born, Giggleswick, Yorkshire.

RG 9 | Piece 3179 | Page 9 | Long Preston, Yorkshire.
John ELSWORTH | Head | Married | 69 yrs | Occupation, Butcher and farmer of 4 acres | Born, Kirkby Malham, Yorkshire.
Mary ELSWORTH | Wife | Married | 70 yrs | Born, Long Preston, Yorkshire.

RG9 | Piece 3180 | Folio 29 | Page 8 | Crake Moor Farm, Kirkby Malham, Yorkshire. | [Ordnance Survey Landranger grid ref|- 858 604]
John ARMISTEAD | Head | Widower | 69 yrs | Occupation; Farmer occupation jointly with son John of 463 acres, employing 2 labourers. | Born; Long Preston, Yorkshire.
Richard ARMISTEAD | Son | Unmarried | 43 yrs | Occupation; Farmer's son | Born; Long Preston, Yorkshire.
John ARMISTEAD Junior | Son | Widower | 32 yrs | Occupation, Farmer occupation jointly with his father of 468 acres | Born, Long Preston, Yorkshire.
Jane DUNLOP | Niece | Unmarried | 18 yrs [John ARMISTEAD's brother Richard's daughter Catherine's daughter] | Occupation; Farmers Niece | Born; Bury, Lancaster.
Elizabeth WHINRAY | Servant | Unmarried | 14 yrs | Occupation; Dairy Maid | Born; Rathmell, Yorkshire.
John DEAN | Servant | Unmarried | 16 yrs | Occupation; Agricultural Labourer | Born; Hellifield, Yorkshire.
Isabella Ann ARMISTEAD | Granddaughter | 3 yrs | Born, Airton, Yorkshire.
Thomas CARR | Servant | Unmarried | 27 yrs | Occupation; Agricultural Labourer | Born; Long Preston, Yorkshire.



1861_Death_Certificate_Isabella_ARMISTEAD.pdf - Mother of Isabella born a week before
Regsitration District, Settle | 1861 Death in the Sub-district of Kirkby Malham in the County of York
No. 333 | When and where died, Twentieth January 1861, Crakemoor Airton.
Isabella ARMISTEAD | Female | 21 yrs | Occupation, Wife of John ARMISTEAD, Farmer.
Cause of death, Peiorperal Peritisitis? | Description of informant, John ARMISTEAD, Present at the death, Crakemoor, Airton.
When registered, Twenty First January 1861. | Registrar, Christopher EDMONDSON.

Thirteenth January 1861, Crakemoor, Airton.
Name, Isabella Ann | Sex, Girl | Name of father, John ARMISTEAD
Name and maiden name of mother, Isabella ARMISTEAD formerly KENDALL.
Occupation of father, Farmer. | Informant, John ARMISTEAD, Father, Crakemoor, Airton.
When registered, Twenty First January 1861 | Signiture of registrar, Christopher EDMONDSON.

Third March 1859 | Ragged Hall, Rathmell
Mary Ann | Girl
Father, Thomas Armistead| Occupation, Farmer
Mother, Margaret ARMISTEAD formerly ELSWORTH
Description of informant Thomas ARMISTEAD, Father Ragged Hall, Rathmell
Registered, Eigth March 1859 | Signiture of Registrar John LISTER

1858 Birth in the District of Long Preston in the County of York
No 498 | When and where born, Twenty sixth October 1858, Long Preston.
Name, Ann | Girl
Name of father, Thomas WRATHALL | Profession of father, Farmer.
Name of mother, Catherine WRATHALL formerly ELSWORTH.
Description of Informant, Thomas WRATHALL, Father, Long Preston.
When registered, Sixteenth November 1858. | Registrar, Henry WILDMAN

1858 Marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of Giggleswick in the County of York.
No. 16 | When Married, 21st April 1858.
John ARMISTEAD | 29 yrs | Bachelor | Profession, Farmer
Residence, Crake Moor in the Parish of Kirkby Malham.
Fathers name, John ARMISTEAD | Profession of Father, Yeoman.
Isabella KENDALL | 19 yrs | Spinster | Residence, New Hall
Fathers Name, William KENDALL | Profession of Father, Farmer.
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England by Licence by me, Rowland INGRAM, Curate
This marriage was solemnized between us, John ARMISTEAD, Isabella KENDALL. | In the presence of us, Richard ARMISTEAD, Mary CLARK.

Registration District Settle | Death in the Sub-district of Kirkby Malham
No. 285 | Third February 1858, Crake Moor Farm
Ann Armistead, Female, 66 years.
Occupation Wife of John ARMISTEAD Farmer
Cause of Death 'Age and Debility Certified'
Description of informant John ARMISTEAD Son Present at Death Crake Moor, Airton.
When registered Fifth February 1858. | Signiture of registrar Thomas MOUNT

Registration District Bradford and North Bierley, Yorkshire.
1858 Birth in the Sub-district of Bradford West in the County of York.
No 321 | When and where born; Fifteenth December 1857 at Houghton Place.
Sarah Ann Eliza Townsend | Girl
Name of father; James WALKER
Name of mother; Elizabeth WALKER formerly TOWNSEND.
Occupation of father; Warp Sizer.
Description of informant; Jas WALKER, Father, Houghton Place, Bradford.
When registered; Twenty sixth January 1858. | Registrar; Thomas LIVERSEDGE?

Circa 1855 (Presuming Thomas to be 65 yrs)
Thomas COCKSHOTT Christened 21 Nov 1790 in Long Preston, Died 22 Feb 1863 at Bend Yate Farm, Long Preston

Registration District Settle
1855 Birth in the Sub-District of Settle in the County of York West Riding.
No 70 | When and where born; 18 March 1855, Ragged Hall, Rathmell.
Name; Richard | Boy
Name of father; Thomas ARMISTEAD
Name of mother; Margaret ARMISTEAD formerly ELSWORTH.
Profession of father; Farmer.
Description of Informant; Thomas ARMISTEAD, Father, Ragged Hall, Rathmell.
When registered; Third april 1855 | Registrar; John LISTER

1854 Marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of Kirkby Malham in the County of York.
No. 75 | When Married, February 8th.
William BRENNAND | Of full age | Bachelor | Profession, Farmer
Residence, Swinden.
Fathers name, John BRENNAND | Profession of Father, Farmer.
Margaret ARMISTEAD | Of full age | Spinster | Residence, Crakemoor.
Fathers name, John ARMISTEAD | Profession of Father, Farmer.
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England by Licence by me, William P MACKERY?.
This marriage was solemnized between us, William BRENNAND, Margaret ARMISTEAD | In the presence of us, John ARMISTEAD, Elizabeth BRENNAND.


Registration District Settle
1852 Birth in the Sub-District of Settle in the County of York West Riding.
No 10 | When and where born, 21 March 1852, Ragged Hall, Rathmell.
Name, William | Boy
Name of father, Thomas ARMISTEAD
Name of mother, Margaret ARMISTEAD formerly ELSWORTH.
Profession of father, Farmer.
Description of Informant, Thos ARMISTEAD, Father, Ragged Hall, Rathmell.
When registered, Thirtieth March 1852 | Registrar, John LISTER

1851 Marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of Long Preston in the County of York.
No 149 | When Married, August 19th
Thomas WRATHALL | Of full age | Bachelor | Occupation, Farmer
Residence at time of Marriage, Long Preston.
Father's Name, John WRATHALL | Profession of Father, Farmer
Catherine WRATHALL | Of full age | Spinster
Residence at time of Marriage, Long Preston
Father's Name, John ELSWORTH | Profession of Father, Butcher
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church by Licence by me, Ralph OLDHAM Curate
This Marriage was solemnized between us, Thomas WRATHALL, Catherine ELSWORTH
In the Presence of us, Robert RUMNEY, Ernie? WHITAKER

Circa 1851 Catherine ELSWORTH bn 28 Nov 1828 (Presuming Catherine to be 23 yrs)
It maybe too early for such a photo, but have given it this date as Catherine isn't showing a wedding ring. Photo owned by Ann BANKART

HO107 | Piece 2277 | Folio 412 | Page| 1 | Bend Yate, Long Preston, Yorkshire.
Thomas COCKSHOTT | Head | Unmarried | 60 yrs | Occupation, Freeholder occupying 700 acres, employing 2 Labourers | Born, Wigglesworth, Yorkshire.
Catherine ELSWORTH | Niece | Unmarried | 22 yrs | Occupation, Housekeeper | Born, Austwick, Yorkshire.
John ARMISTEAD | Nephew | Unmarried | 1 yrs | Born, Clapham, Yorkshire.
[Bend Yate Farm, Ordnance Survey Landranger grid ref:- 840 571]

1851 Census 'Old Ing' - (Farm owned by William and his son Thomas COCKSHOTT, Old Ing was also in the story 'Some Incidents in the lives of John & Mary Elsworth')
HO107 | Piece 2277 | Folio 249 | Page 19 | Old Ing, Settle, Yorkshire
John CRAGG | Head | Widower | 73 yrs | Occupation, Hind Bailiff Of 313 Acres | Born, Horton, Yorkshire.
John CRAGG | Son | Unmarried | 40 yrs | Occupation, Hinds Son Ag Lab | Born, Yorkshire.
Rose CRAGG | Daughter | Unmarried | 31 yrs | House Keeper | Born, Yorkshire.
Thomas CRAGG | Son | Married | 35 yrs | Occupation, Ag Labourer | Born, Foxup, Yorkshire

HO 107 | Piece 2277 | Page 35 | Long Preston, Yorkshire.
John ELSWORTH | Head | Married | 58 yrs | Occupation, Butcher | Born, Kirby Malhandale, Yorkshire.
Mary ELSWORTH | Wife | Married | 59 yrs | Occupation, Annuitant | Born, Wigglesworth, Yorkshire.

HO107 | Piece | 2277 | Folio 355 | Page 3 | Field Gate Farm, Giggleswick, Yorkshire
Thomas ARMISTEAD | Head | Married | 29 yrs | Occupation, Farmer of 165 acres, Employing 1 Lab | Born, Long Preston, Yorkshire.
Margaret ARMISTEAD | Wife | Married | 23 yrs | Occupation, Farmers wife | Born, Austwick, Yorkshire.
Elizabeth BANK | Servant | Unmarried | 17 yrs | Occupation, House servant | Born, Giggleswick, Yorkshire.
Richard SHEPHERD | Servant | 15 yrs | Occupation, Farm Labourer | Born, Bentham, Yorkshire.
[Field Gate Farm, Ordnance Survey Landranger grid ref 796 630]

Their only child John born in 1850 was living with Margaret's sister Catherine ELSWORTH at Bend Yate, Long Preston, which is a farm of 700 acres employing 2 Labourers, owned by their uncle Thomas COCKSHOTT.
[Bend Yate Farm, Ordnance Survey Landranger grid ref 840 571]

1851 Census | Page 8 | Crake Moor Farm, Township of Airton, Yorkshire.
John ARMISTEAD | Head | Married | 59 yrs | Occupation, Farmer of 545 acres employing 18 labourers | Born Long Preston.
Ann ARMISTEAD | Wife | Married | 60 yrs | Occupation, Farmers wife | Born Long Preston.
Richard ARMISTEAD | Son | Unmarried | 33 yrs | Occupation, Farmers son | Born Long Preston.
John ARMISTEAD | Son | Unmarried | 22 yrs | Occupation, Farmers son | Born Long Preston.
Margaret ARMISTEAD | Daughter | Unmarried | 25 years old | Occupation, Farmers daughter | Born Long Preston.
Ann BROWN | Daughter | Married | 26 yrs | Occupation, Farmers Wife | Born Long Preston
William BRAMWELL | Servant | Unmarried | 25 yrs | Occupation, Farm Servant | Westmoreland, Preston

HO107 | Piece 2277 | Folio 382 | Page 6 | Ragged Hall, Rathmell, Yorkshire | [Only entry for Ragged Hall]
Mary WOLFENDEN | Daughter | Unmarried | 19 yrs | Occupation; Farmers Daughter | Born; Long Preston, Yorkshire

Photo that was titled 'Ragged Hall' in the leather bound green book. [I have been assured by local historians that Ragged Hall looks nothing like this photo and must be of a differant place]
Thomas and Margaret ARMISTEAD had six children:-
John was born 1850 / William was born 21 Mar 1852 at Ragged Hall and died 17 Jun 1905
Thomas was born 22 Nov 1853 and died 15 days later at Ragged Hall / Richard was born 18 Mar 1855 at Ragged Hall and died 21 Apr 1919
Mary Ann was born 3 Mar 1859 at Ragged Hall and died Mary Ann DELVES 16 Aug 1949
Catherine was born 1861 and died 7 Nov 1887 aged 26 yrs

1851 Marriage solemnized by Banns in the Parish of Clapham in the County of York.
No. 168 | When Married, Feb 15
John BROWN | Of full age | Bachelor | Profession, Labourer
Residence, Hardacre
Fathers name, Anthony BROWN | Profession of Father, Farmer.
Ann ARMISTEAD | Of full age | Spinster | Residence, Austwick.
Fathers name, John ARMISTEAD | Profession of Father, Farmer.
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, of England, by me, J MANINCE?, Vicar.
This Marriage was solemnized between us, John BROWN, Ann ARMISTEAD | In the Presence of us, William BROWN, Margaret ARMISTEAD

Registration District Skipton | Death in the Sub-district of Gargrave
No. 28 | Twelfth August 1849, Little Stainton Bank Newton
James ELSWORTH | Male | 44 years | Occupation, Farmer.
Cause of Death, 'Erysipelas and Mortification in the right side not certified'
Description of informant, X the mark of Christopher LEECH In attendance Little Stainton Bank Newton
When registered, Thirteenth August 1849 | Signiture of registrar, John Summer SKILL

Registration District Skipton | Death in the Sub-district of Gargrave
No. 27 | Eleventh August 1849 Little Stainton Bank Newton
Mary ELSWORTH | Female | 81 years
Occupation, Widow of John Elsworth Farmer.
Cause of Death, 'Decay of Nature Erysipelas one week certified' [Erysipelas – Streptococcal cellulitis of skin, St. Anthony's Fire]
Description of informant, X the mark of Christopher Leech In attendance Little Stainton Bank Newton
When registered, Thirteenth August 1849 | Signiture of registrar, John Summer SKILL

Registration District Skipton | Death in the Sub-district of Gargrave
No. 21 | Eleventh July 1849, Little Stainton Bank Newton
William ELSWORTH | Male | 54 years | Occupation, Farmer
Cause of Death, 'Gastitis 3 weeks Certified'
Description of informant, Margaret ELSWORTH In attendance Little Stainton Bank Newton
When registered, Sixteenth July 1849 | Signiture of registrar, John Summer SKILL

Marriage solemnized at Parish Church, Long Preston, Yorkshire | September 12th 1848
Thomas ARMISTEAD | Of full age | Bachelor | Profession, Farmer
Residence, Field Gate in the Parish of Giggleswick |
Fathers name, John ARMISTEAD | Profession of Father, Farmer.
Margaret ELSWORTH | Of full age | Spinster | Residence, Long Preston
Fathers name, John ELSWORTH | Profession of Father, Butcher.
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England by Licence by me, Ralph OLDHAM, Curate
This marriage was solemnized between us, Thomas ARMISTEAD, Margaret ELSWORTH.
In the presence of us, Richard TOWLER, Catherine ELSWORTH

Plot Number A 60 | St Mary the Virgin Parish Church, Long Preston.
In memory of | John ELSWORTH of Little Stainton who | departed this life on the 27th day of | May 1846 aged 82 years | also of Mary relict of the above said | John ELSWORTH who died August 11th 1849 in | the 81st year of her age | also of William their son who died July 11th | 1849 in the 55th year of his age | also of James their son who died August 12th | 1849 in the 45th year of his age | also of John ELSWORTH who died October 14th 1863 | in the 71st year of his age | also of Mary his wife | who died October 17th 1873 | in the 82nd year of her age

Registration District Skipton | Death in the Sub-district of Gargrave
No. 370 | Twenty Seventh of May 1846, at Banknewton
John ELSWORTH | Male | 82 years | Occupation, Farmer
Cause of Death, 'Appoplexy 26 hours Paralysis certified'
Description of informant, Wm Elsworth In attendance Banknewton
When registered, Twenty ninth of May 1846 | Signiture of registrar, John Summer SKILL


William COCKSHOTT Will
The will is signed on the 19th January 1835 and probate dated 7th June 1841.
William COCKSHOTT gives his son Thomas COCKSHOTT and his 'friend and relation' Henry HORNBY of Malhamdale his Farms and cottages at Foxup in Arncliff and 'Old Ing' in the parish of Horton in Ribblesdale. He instructs an annuity of £50 to be paid to his daughter Mary ELSWORTH in half yearly instalments on the 12th May and 22nd November. The annuity is to be chargeable to his ‘Foxup’ estate.
He also gives his son Thomas COCKSHOTT and Henry HORNBY all his 'tenant rights and interest' in his farm at Deepdale Head, owned by the ‘Manor of Newby’.
William gives his two Grand-daughters Catherine & Margaret ELSWORTH his two feather beds and bed furniture when they reach the age of 21yrs. They would have been 8 and 7 years in 1835 when this will was written.
William COCKSHOTT appoints his son Thomas and Henry HORNBY his executors and trustees of the annuity payable to Mary ELSWORTH

St Mary the Virgin, Long Preston, Yorkshire | Plot Number A 162
Erected | In Memory of | William Cockshott | of Deepdalehead who departed | this life March the 19th 1841 | aged 91 years

1841 Death in the District of Long Preston in the County of York
No 125 | When and where died, Ninteenth of March 1841, at Deepdalehead, Wigglesworth
William COCKSHOTT | Male | 91 yrs | Occupation, Farmer
Cause of Death, Old Age
Description of Informant, Mary ELSWORTH, Daughter, Present at Death, Moss, Wigglesworth | Registered, Twentieth of March 1841

Moss, Wigglesworth, Yorkshire
John ELSWORTH | 45 yrs | Profession; Butcher | Born in Yorkshire.
Mary ELSWORTH | 45 yrs | Born in Yorkshire.
Margaret ELSWORTH | 13 yrs | Born in Yorkshire

Ho 107 | Piece 1321 | Folio 1 | Page 8
Crakemoor, Airton, Kirkby Malham, Yorkshire.
John ARMISTEAD | 50 yrs | Occupation, Farmer | Born in Yorkshire.
Ann ARMISTEAD | 50 yrs | Born in Yorkshire.
Richard ARMISTEAD | 20 yrs | Born in Yorkshire.
Thomas ARMISTEAD | 19 yrs | Born in Yorkshire.
Ann ARMISTEAD | 17 yrs | Born in Yorkshire.
Margaret ARMISTEAD | 15 yrs | Born in Yorkshire.
John ARMISTEAD | 12 yrs | Born in Yorkshire.
// Separate family at Crakemoor
Henry ARMISTEAD | 23 yrs | Occupation, Sadler | Born in Yorkshire.
Richard ARMISTEAD | 19 yrs | Occupation, Mechanic | Born in Yorkshire.
Jane SAUNDERSON | 20 yrs | Occupation, Cotton Weaver | Born in Yorkshire

HO107 | Piece 1320 | Folio| 5 | Page 4
Ragged Hall, Rathmell, Yorkshire.
James WOLFENDEN | 45 yrs | Profession, Farmer | Born in Yorkshire.
Bella WOLFENDEN | 45 yrs | Born in Yorkshire.
Thomas WOLFENDEN | 20 yrs | Profession, Farmer | Born in Yorkshire.
James WOLFENDEN | 14 yrs | Born in Yorkshire.
John WOLFENDEN | 12 yrs | Born in Yorkshire.
Mary WOLFENDEN | 9 yrs | Born in Yorkshire.
Thomas WOLFENDEN | 80 yrs | Profession, Agricultural Labourer | Born in Yorkshire








Page 54 | No. 162 | Marriages solemnized in the Parish of Long Preston in the County of York.
John ELSWORTH of the Parish of Clapham and Mary COCKSHOTT of this Parish were married in this Church by Licence this twenty sixth day of February in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven.
By me John POSTLETHWAITE, Curate
This Marriage was solemnized between us, John ELSWORTH, Mary COCKSHOTT. | In the Presence of James WHITAKER, William ELSWORTH.

Deepdale Head, Wigglesworth
Anne BANKART writes Deepdale Head is the farm referred to in Aunt Emily's story from which the elopement took place. I did once get inside and actually saw the wonderful old stone spiral staircase down which Mary Cockshott is said to have crept to meet John Elsworth. At the time I got into the house, probably in the 1960's-70's that staircase, which was very precipitous, was the only one and the only way to access the 2 floors above. Also at that time the topmost rooms had wonderful plaster ceilings but I understand that they had to be removed in order to repair the roof.

1827 'Some Incidents in the lives of John & Mary Elsworth'
A wonderful story written in 1945 by Rachel Emily FERGUSON nee WRATHALL bn 1869 about the elopement and lives of her grandparents' John ELSWORTH and Mary COCKSHOTT who married 26 Feb 1827.
The story was written for her niece Evelyn May Louise ROCHE (aka Babs) born 25th Mar 1897, who was her sister Annie DELVES nee WRATHALL's daughter. The original copy of this hand-written story is owned by Babs daughter Anne BANKART nee ROCHE of Harrogate.

2003 View from Deepdale Head

2003 Pennyghent to Foxup

En route to Foxup

Foxup Farm

Old Ing









Long Preston Parish Church Records
William COCKSHOTT of this Parish and Margaret FOSTER of the Parish of Horton were married in this Church by a Licence the 24th Day of January 1790